Poland’s president joins hip-hop challenge to help medics

‘Although twice wounded and suffering from loss of blood, Guardsman Charlton again lifted his machine gun on to the fence, now having only one arm with which to fire and reload. Nevertheless, he still continued to inflict casualties on the enemy, until finally he was hit for the third time and collapsed. He died later of his wounds in enemy hands. 

Chauvin and another officer broke into the apartment and wrestled resident Ira Latrell Toles to the ground. The officers reported that in the struggle Toles reached for one of their weapons and so Chauvin shot him in the abdomen.

On Wednesday, Ben Crump, the attorney representing Floyd’s family, said without video footage of the incident, he believes police ‘would have given a false narrative and they would’ve swept it under the rug,’ he told Today. 

His citation for his VC takes up the story: ‘Whereupon, entirely on his own initiative, Guardsman Charlton decided to counterattack the enemy. Quickly recovering the Browning [machine gun] from his damaged tank, he advanced up the road in full view of the enemy, firing the Browning from the hip. 

Former NBA player Stephen Jackson (right) posted on social media calling Floyd (left) his ‘twin’, as the two men played on both the Yates football and basketball team and grew up in Houston’s third ward. He told DailyMail.com: ‘I never saw him play [basketball] in high school. But they say he was better at football. He was a tight end. They made it to the state championship, and lost in the state championship at Yates. He was a dual threat. He was a dual athlete’

Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, died on Monday after passing out while a white Minneapolis police officer kneeled on his neck for eight minutes during an arrest that was caught on camera , sparking protests in the Minnesota city and outrage around the country

However, new video footage, obtained by FOX 9, has shed light on the moments leading up to Floyd’s arrest, showing two officers manhandling and forcibly removing him from his car as he is placed in handcuffs outside the Cup Foods grocery store on 38th and Chicago Ave in south Minneapolis. 

Fans of revered hip hop artist DJ Screw (pictured) celebrated Floyd’s musical career by sharing links of tracks he recorded under his rapping name ‘Big Floyd’ alongside the legendary Houston musician. DJ Screw, whose real name was Robert Earl Davis Jr, died in 2000 of a drug overdose after releasing 35 mixtapes. The rapper was posthumously made an official Texas Music Pioneer by Governor Rick Perry

Officer Tou Thao was sued in 2017 for excessive use of force after throwing to the ground, punching and kicking a handcuffed black man after stopping him on the street while he walked home with his eight-month pregnant wife, according to court claims. 

He liked his beer and his fun. He lived the British way and died the British way. ‘That was Ed who goes down in the ruddy annals of British history for one of the greatest bits of heroism in this war… To me, Ed still lives. He will march with us through London. You won’t see him, but he’ll be there.’ 

Former comrades of Charlton were overjoyed by the news of his VC, announced more than a year after the action. Sergeant Hugh Gallagher, who had been wounded and taken prisoner during the April 21 ambush, wrote to Charlton’s parents saying: ‘I am writing this letter to you in reference to your son Eddie. 

Several soldiers were unable to pull out in time and were eventually forced to surrender. It later emerged, however, that, with his party in danger of being overrun, Charlton, aged 24, had decided that attack was the best form of defence against a large force from the 15th Panzer Grenadier Regiment supported by six SP guns. 

There is no doubt in my mind that Charlton’s VC action was not just the final one before VE Day but that it represents one of the finest wartime actions in the decoration’s long and rich history. Days before VE Day, this is the right time to remember and to honour one of ‘the bravest of the brave’. 

In fact, after many soldiers on both sides were interviewed, Charlton’s VC was announced in the final wartime Honours List published on May 2, 1946. It is extremely rare but not unprecedented for the testimonials of enemy servicemen to play a part in the award of a VC. 

‘Immediately, despite intense enemy fire, he mounted his machine gun on a nearby fence, which he used to support his injured left arm. He stood firing thus for a further ten minutes until he was then again hit in the left arm, which fell away shattered and useless. 

Eyewitnesses saw Charlton and his co-driver race from their own Sherman after it had been hit and take shelter between two houses. With three of the four tanks knocked out and with the Irish Guards almost entirely surrounded and short of ammunition, the order was given to retreat. 

Known as both ‘Eddie’ and ‘Ed’, he became friends with Guardsman James Mendes, who said later that ‘Ed’s regiment was the biggest thing in his life’. Charlton penned several letters home, including one in 1942 in which he seemed disappointed not to have seen frontline action. In fact, the decoration to Flying Officer Lloyd Trigg for bravery in the air on August 11, 1943, is the only VC to be announced solely on evidence given by the enemy. Trigg, of the Royal New Zealand Air Force but serving with 200 Squadron, RAF, was decorated posthumously after two German officers testified how he had attacked their surfaced U-boat at a range of just 50ft in his Liberator bomber, despite having been hit previously by anti-aircraft fire. 

In this Thursday, April 30, 2020 photo, Tuba Parlak, 39, right, a pole dancing performer and instructor, makes an online training session for students at home, with her assistant and trainee Aybuke Yanar, 21, at her studio in Istanbul. To stem the spread of COVID-19, Turkey closed down sports facilities in March but Parlak’s students wanted to continue their pole lessons. Using video conferencing, Parlak teaches the vigorous exercise from her studio in Istanbul’s hip Cihangir district. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)

Then, in the words of one eyewitness, ‘all hell was let loose’, with most of the fire coming from the right flank. Shells, mortars and machinegun fire rained down on the soldiers: a young corporal was the first to die, hit by a German SP (self-propelled) gun so that he fell back down into his tank. 

He found himself on the outskirts of Wistedt at first light on April 21, 1945, as a driver in one of four tanks rolling into the outskirts of the village, some with men riding on the back of the vehicles. Soon, in the best traditions of the British Army, they stopped to set about ‘brewing up’ using their Tommy cookers, or portable stoves. 

Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, died on Monday after passing out while a white Minneapolis police officer kneeled on his neck for eight minutes during an arrest that was caught on camera, sparking protests in the Minnesota city and outrage across the country. 

In this Thursday, April 30, 2020 photo, Tuba Parlak, 39, a pole dancing performer and instructor talks to her students watching from home, due to the coronavirus restrictions, during an online training session. To stem the spread of COVID-19, Turkey closed down sports facilities in March but Parlak’s students wanted to continue their pole lessons. Using video conferencing, Parlak teaches the vigorous exercise from her studio in Istanbul’s hip Cihangir district. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)

‘The heroism and determination of this Guardsman in his selfimposed task were beyond all praise. Even his German captors were amazed at his valour. ‘Guardsman Charlton’s courageous and self-sacrificing action not only inflicted extremely heavy casualties on the enemy and retrieved his comrades from a desperate situation, but also enabled the position to be speedily recaptured.’ 

George Floyd was not only a rapper who recorded music with the late influential hip hop artist DJ Screw and a star football player for his Texas high school team, but a father of two young girls, including a six-year-old, who he now leaves behind.

Today I am one of the happiest men in England after I had seen in the paper of his reward, the VC. It was only through his gallantry that saved my life that I am able to write to you. The work he did that day is indescribable, he saved quite a lot of our lives though badly wounded.’ 

Instead, however, he volunteered for the Irish Guards. Still only 19, he wanted to see frontline action and hoped to join the police after the war, knowing that the Manchester and Salford forces employed only former Guardsmen. He was called up the following year and mobilised on September 19, 1940. After training at Caterham in Surrey, Charlton, the middle of three brothers, joined the 2nd (Armoured) Battalion, Irish Guards, in 1942. 

However, before they could enjoy their hot tea, the men were ambushed by a large enemy force. As Lieutenant (later Captain) Barry Quinan stood in the middle of the road looking through binoculars to see what lay ahead, an armour-piercing shell passed so close to his head that it blew his black beret off before hitting a house behind him. 

George Floyd (pictured in the 1990s, in jersey 88) was not only a rapper who recorded music with the late influential hip hop artist DJ Screw and a star football player for his Texas high school team, but a father of two young girls, who he now leaves behind. Floyd was loved by many on the football team at Jack Yates High School in Houston where he played wide receiver. A fellow teammate tweeted his sadness and anger when he learned of Floyd’s death

Charlton’s posthumous VC was presented to his parents, Albert and Edith, at an investiture at Buckingham Palace on October 29, 1946. He was originally buried by the Germans near Elsdorf but he was reinterred and his grave is now situated at the Becklingen War Cemetery, Soltau, Germany. 

Cops were reported to have located Floyd, who was suspected of forgery, in his car around 8pm before ordering him to exit the vehicle, according to a police statement. A spokesman alleged Floyd got out of the car before ‘physically resisting officers’. However, new video footage, obtained by FOX 9 , has shed light on the moments leading up to Floyd’s arrest, showing two officers manhandling and forcibly removing him from his car as he is placed in handcuffs outside the Cup Foods grocery store on 38th and Chicago Ave in south MinneapolisIn this Thursday, April 30, 2020 photo, Tuba Parlak, 39, a pole dancing performer and instructor performs at her studio in Istanbul, during an online training session for students watching from home, due to the coronavirus restrictions. To stem the spread of COVID-19, Turkey closed down sports facilities in March but Parlak’s students continued their pole lessons, using video conferencing. For students not having a pole at home, Parlak has designed a special programme to make sure they stay strong and fit. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)

According to a report by a police watchdog nonprofit Communities United Against Police Brutality, in 2006 a man called Wayne Reyes pulled a shotgun on five police officers including Chauvin, and the officers shot and killed Reyes. 

The new videos have shed light on the events leading up to Floyd’s death, which has sparked outrage and questions overs officers’ alleged use of force on a suspect accused of a non-violent offense.    

However, by May 10, 1945, two days after VE Day, the recommendation was marked ‘unsuccessful’. This was because it had emerged that Charlton was dead and that the MM could not be awarded posthumously. 

In this Thursday, April 30, 2020 photo, Tuba Parlak, 39, a pole dancing performer and instructor talks to her students watching from home, due to the coronavirus restrictions as she takes a break from an online training session. To stem the spread of COVID-19, Turkey closed down sports facilities in March but Parlak’s students wanted to continue their pole lessons. Using video conferencing, Parlak teaches the vigorous exercise from her studio in Istanbul’s hip Cihangir district. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)

Floyd leaves behind two daughters, including six-year-old Gianna Floyd who lives with her mother, Roxie Washington (pictured all together), in Floyd’s former hometown of Houston. Washington told the Houston Chronicle her ex was a ‘gentle giant’

In this Thursday, April 30, 2020 photo, Tuba Parlak, 39, a pole dancing performer and instructor warms-up at her studio in Istanbul, during an online training session for students at home, due to the coronavirus restrictions. To stem the spread of COVID-19, Turkey closed down sports facilities in March but Parlak’s students wanted to continue their pole lessons. Using video conferencing, Parlak teaches the vigorous exercise from her studio in Istanbul’s hip Cihangir district. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)

In this Thursday, April 30, 2020 photo, Tuba Parlak, 39, a pole dancing performer and instructor warms-up at her studio in Istanbul, during an online training session for students at home, due to the coronavirus restrictions. To stem the spread of COVID-19, Turkey closed down sports facilities in March but Parlak’s students wanted to continue their pole lessons. Using video conferencing, Parlak teaches the vigorous exercise from her studio in Istanbul’s hip Cihangir district. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)

An initial statement released by the Minneapolis Police Department on Tuesday did not include details of officers’ altercation with Floyd and only mentioned he had suffered ‘medical distress’ following the arrest.    

In the wake of Floyd’s death, the four arresting officers were fired Tuesday. It has since been revealed the white officer who was seen forcefully kneeling on Floyd’s neck was involved in a fatal police shooting. Another one of the fired officers paid a $25,000 settlement after being sued for using excessive force in a 2017 arrest. 

His decoration was all the more remarkable because it relied heavily on the testimony of enemy soldiers who, once they were taken prisoner, told how they witnessed Charlton’s last stand. Writing now, just days before the 75th anniversary of VE Day on May 8, I feel privileged to be able to tell the story of this soldier’s valour. 

In the CCTV footage from a restaurant, a handcuffed Floyd is seen sitting on the ground as a police officer, who was not seen in the original viral video, speaks to him before picking him up and holding him against the wall. 

With Allied forces advancing through Germany itself from the Rhine to the Elbe, XXX Corps had reached the outskirts of the ancient city of Bremen by April 20. The commanders were keen to prevent enemy reinforcements reaching Bremen from Hamburg to the north-east and, with this in mind, the 2nd Battalion, Irish Guards – part of the Guards Armoured Division – were ordered to block their route. 

In this Thursday, April 30, 2020 photo, Tuba Parlak, 39, a pole dancing performer and instructor prepares at her studio in Istanbul, for an online training session for students at home, due to the coronavirus restrictions. To stem the spread of COVID-19, Turkey closed down sports facilities in March but Parlak’s students wanted to continue their pole lessons. Using video conferencing, Parlak teaches the vigorous exercise from her studio in Istanbul’s hip Cihangir district. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)

In this Thursday, April 30, 2020 photo, Aybuke Yanar, 21, a pole dancing trainee watches her instructor, Tuba Parlak, a pole dancing performer and instructor giving an online training session to students at home, at her studio in Istanbul. To stem the spread of COVID-19, Turkey closed down sports facilities in March but Parlak’s students wanted to continue their pole lessons. Using video conferencing, Parlak teaches the vigorous exercise from her studio in Istanbul’s hip Cihangir district. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)Ana alone: Ana de Armas has been joined at the hip with her boyfriend Ben Affleck for the past two months. But on Friday the Knives Out actress was seen all by herself as she walked her small white dog in Los Angeles

FILE – In this Nov. 20, 2011 file photo, Andre Harrell attends a special screening of “Beyonce Live At Roseland: The Elements of 4” at the Paris Theatre in New York. Harrell, the Uptown Records founder who shaped the sound of hip-hop and R&B in the late ’80s and ’90s with acts like Mary J. Blige and Heavy D and also launched the career of mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs, has died, several members of the music community revealed late Friday, May 8, 2020. He was 59. (AP Photo/Evan Agostini)

In this Thursday, April 30, 2020 photo, Tuba Parlak, 39, a pole dancing performer and instructor performs at her studio in Istanbul, during an online training session for students watching from home, due to the coronavirus restrictions. To stem the spread of COVID-19, Turkey closed down sports facilities in March but Parlak’s students continued their pole lessons, using video conferencing. For students not having a pole at home, Parlak has designed a special programme to make sure they stay strong and fit. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)

Using the video conferencing app Zoom, Parlak teaches the vigorous exercise from her studio in Istanbul´s hip Cihangir district. She limits her classes to five students as she did in the studio, and says Zoom has made it easier to critique her students´ moves with all video images lined up on her screen.

LA look: The Una rosa de Francia star had on a black T-shirt with matching drawstring pants that were gathered at the hem. Instead of high heels the former resident of Madrid wore black and white Converse sneakers

Drop-out rates are high in this challenging exercise, Parlak says. Her students are looking forward to returning to the studio but it remains uncertain when Turkey will allow sports facilities to re-open.

“We are mourning the loss of a cultural icon, Andre Harrell, a chief architect of the modern hip-hop and R&B sound,” BET President Scott Mills said in a statement Saturday. “Andre was tremendously excited about sharing the origin story of Uptown Records, and its pivotal role in the urban music landscape. With his tragic passing, BET is committed to ensuring that the Uptown limited series event tells both the Uptown story and Andre´s story – that of the incredible music innovator, man and friend to so many.”

FILE – In this Jan. 16, 2010 file photo, media executive Andre Harrell, right, presents an award to Sean “Diddy” Combs at the Warner Theatre during the 2010 BET Hip Hop Honors in Washington. Harrell, the Uptown Records founder who shaped the sound of hip-hop and R&B in the late ’80s and ’90s with acts like Mary J. Blige and Heavy D and also launched the career of mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs, has died, several members of the music community revealed late Friday, May 8, 2020. He was 59. (AP Photo/Nick Wass)

In this Thursday, April 30, 2020 photo, Tuba Parlak, 39, a pole dancing performer and instructor warms-up at her studio in Istanbul, as she prepares for an online training session for students at home, due to the coronavirus restrictions.To stem the spread of COVID-19, Turkey closed down sports facilities in March but Parlak’s students wanted to continue their pole lessons. Using video conferencing, Parlak teaches the vigorous exercise from her studio in Istanbul’s hip Cihangir district. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)

By late April 1945, the German army was in retreat and, after nearly six long years of war, the Allies were finally poised to defeat Adolf Hitler. For many British servicemen, particularly those who had served for all or most of the Second World War, thoughts inevitably turned to surviving the last battles and returning safely to their loved ones.

According to a 2011 report in local newspaper the Pioneer Press, Chauvin and others arrived at a South Minneapolis apartment around 2am after a woman called 911 and the dispatcher heard her yell to a man to stop hitting her. 

Those who survived the ambush and returned unscathed did not know exactly who among those missing had been killed and who had been taken prisoner. In the hope that he was still alive and in the knowledge that he had shown great bravery, Charlton was initially recommended for the Military Medal (MM). 

In this Thursday, April 30, 2020 photo, Tuba Parlak, 39, a pole dancing performer and instructor performs at her studio in Istanbul, during an online training session for students watching from home, due to the coronavirus restrictions.To stem the spread of COVID-19, Turkey closed down sports facilities in March but Parlak’s students wanted to continue their pole lessons. Using video conferencing, Parlak teaches the vigorous exercise from her studio in Istanbul’s hip Cihangir district. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)

In this Thursday, April 30, 2020 photo, Tuba Parlak, 39, a pole dancing performer and instructor talks to her students watching from home, due to the coronavirus restrictions, during an online training session. To stem the spread of COVID-19, Turkey closed down sports facilities in March but Parlak’s students wanted to continue their pole lessons. Using video conferencing, Parlak teaches the vigorous exercise from her studio in Istanbul’s hip replacement surgery Cihangir district. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)In this Thursday, April 30, 2020 photo, Tuba Parlak, 39, a pole dancing performer and instructor warms-up at her studio in Istanbul, as she prepares for an online training session for students at home, due to the coronavirus restrictions. To stem the spread of COVID-19, Turkey closed down sports facilities in March but Parlak’s students wanted to continue their pole lessons. Using video conferencing, Parlak teaches the vigorous exercise from her studio in Istanbul’s hip Cihangir district. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)

The events to follow were then captured in a separate video widely shared on Tuesday, which showed Floyd pleading with the cop to stop, saying ‘please, please, I can’t breathe’ and ‘My stomach hurts. My neck hurts. Everything hurts’, as he is pinned to the ground. 

This undated photo made available by SpaceX shows NASA astronaut Bob Behnken in his spacesuit at SpaceX headquarters in Hawthorne, Calif. On Wednesday, May 27, 2020, Behnken and Doug Hurley are scheduled to board a SpaceX Dragon capsule atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and, equipment and weather permitting, shoot into space. It will be the first astronaut launch from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center since the last shuttle flight in 2011. (SpaceX via AP)

On Tuesday, new video emerged showing the moment Floyd was pulled from his car by police moments before a white officer pinned him to the ground by his neck in an altercation that led to his death.  

The true test comes Wednesday when Hurley and Behnken climb aboard a SpaceX Dragon capsule atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and, equipment and weather permitting, shoot into space. It will be the first astronaut launch from NASA´s Kennedy Space Center since the last shuttle flight in 2011.

Fortunately, a far more vivid and accurate account of Charlton’s astonishing gallantry started to emerge, first from Sergeant Jim Connolly, who had been captured by the Germans on April 21 but later released after the German surrender. Connolly had not personally seen all of Charlton’s last stand but he had been told by a senior German officer about his courage. 

This undated photo made available by SpaceX shows NASA astronaut Doug Hurley in his spacesuit at SpaceX headquarters in Hawthorne, Calif. On Wednesday, May 27, 2020, Hurley and Bob Behnken are scheduled to pilot a SpaceX Dragon capsule to the International Space Station. It will be the first astronaut launch from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center since the last shuttle flight in 2011. (Ashish Sharma/SpaceX via AP)

In this Thursday, April 30, 2020 photo, Tuba Parlak, 39, a pole dancing performer and instructor warms-up at her studio in Istanbul, as she prepares for an online training session for students at home, due to the coronavirus restrictions. To stem the spread of COVID-19, Turkey closed down sports facilities in March but Parlak’s students wanted to continue their pole lessons. Using video conferencing, Parlak teaches the vigorous exercise from her studio in Istanbul’s hip Cihangir district. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)

NEW YORK (AP) – Andre Harrell, the Uptown Records founder who shaped the sound of hip-hop and R&B in the late ´80s and ´90s with acts such as Mary J. Blige and Heavy D and also launched the career of mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs, has died. He was 59.

Among the advancing party, as the drizzle fell, was Guardsman Edward Colquhoun Charlton. Born in Rowlands Gill, near Gateshead, Co Durham, on June 15, 1920, he had worked in a Manchester abattoir after leaving school at 14 and was encouraged to join the Royal Army Service Corps, whose roles included supplying food for the Army, when war broke out in September 1939. 

According to the legal filing, after the arrest the officers took Ferguson to hospital, then pulled him out and took him to jail with only his underwear and T-shirt on, ignoring medical medical staff’s pleas to let him dress.

Several members of the entertainment community mourned Harrell´s death on social media, including Swizz Beatz, Erykah Badu, L.A. Reid, D-Nice and Lena Waithe. Usher called Harrell a “KING” in his post.

The historic send-off deserves to look good, according to SpaceX. It already has a nice ring. Musk named his rocket after the “Star Wars” Millennium Falcon. The capsule name stems from “Puff the Magic Dragon,” Musk´s jab at all the doubters when he started SpaceX in 2002.

FILE – In this Oct. 31, 2011 file photo, music producers Russell Simmons, left, and Andre Harrell pose for photos at Heidi Klum’s annual Halloween party in New York. Harrell, the Uptown Records founder who shaped the sound of hip-hop and R&B in the late ’80s and ’90s with acts like Mary J. Blige and Heavy D and also launched the career of mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs, has died, several members of the music community revealed late Friday, May 8, 2020. He was 59. (AP Photo/Evan Agostini)

In 1990, Diddy enters Harrell´s office. He received an internship at Uptown and quickly rose the ranks after finding success with just-signed acts including R&B group Jodeci and Blige, who was dubbed the Queen of Hip-Hop Soul with the release of her 1992 debut, “What´s the 411?” Uptown also released Notorious B.I.G.´s first single, 1993´s “Party and Bull—-,” which was featured on a film soundtrack.Parlak, a former arts and culture journalist, started pole dancing in 2015 and turned her passion to full time profession. She says the pandemic, apart from taking her work online, has not altered her day-to-day because she already led an “isolated” life as an athlete.

The Pride were so interested in selecting the player from Pembroke, Massachusetts, they dealt first- and second-round picks in next year´s draft as part of the deal to acquire the No. 1 choice in a trade with expansion Toronto.

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket with the company’s Crew Dragon spacecraft is rolled out of the horizontal integration facility at Launch Complex 39A as preparations continue for the Demo-2 mission, Thursday, May 21, 2020, at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla. (Bill Ingalls/NASA via AP)

Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas share a tender kiss in the… Ben Affleck’s girlfriend Ana de Armas holds onto his arm and… Ben Affleck’s co-star turned lover Ana De Armas gushes about… Jennifer Garner, 47, shows off her fit physique as she goes…

“That´s one of the goals that I would set out for myself since I was a kid watching `Monday Night Football,´” he said. “And it´s still something that´s in the back of my mind. Obviously I want to make sure that I´m going through this process the right way, too, and making sure that I´m healthy enough to be able to go out there and help the team win games and not hurt the team.”

The Recording Academy’s move comes amid growing criticism in the music industry over the term ‘urban’ that has long generalized genres including hip-hop and R&B but which many believe belittles the innovation of black music.

The bulky, orange ascent and entry suits worn by shuttle astronauts had their own attraction, according to Behnken, who like Hurley wore them for his two previous missions. Movies like “Armageddon” and “Space Cowboys” stole the orange look whenever actors were “trying to pretend to be astronauts.”

Landry didn’t miss a game last season despite a hip injury that flared up in training camp. The 27-year-old has never missed a game since breaking in with Miami in 2014 and said he’s determined to keep his streak intact.

This Thursday, March 19, 2020 photo made available by SpaceX shows NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley during flight simulator testing at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla., with SpaceX teams in Firing Room 4 at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, SpaceX’s Mission Control in Hawthorne, Calif., and NASA flight controllers in Mission Control Houston, for a full simulation of launch and docking of the Crew Dragon spacecraft. (SpaceX via AP)

“Today our country, our world struggles to reach an end to this systemic racial injustice, intolerance, police brutality and hate,” Freestyle Love Supreme said in a statement on Twitter. “We add our voices to that fight.”

“We Are Freestyle Love Supreme” chronicles the off-Broadway show that Miranda and several of his “Hamilton” collaborators regularly put on before “In the Heights” and “Hamilton” made them famous. The film captures the group reuniting for a Broadway run that concluded earlier this year.

And months after the LA-based organization was roiled by scandal triggered when its now-sacked CEO leveled accusations of sexual harassment and voting irregularities, the body has announced changes within its Nominations Review Committee.

In this Thursday, April 30, 2020 photo, Tuba Parlak, 39, a pole dancing performer and instructor talks to her students watching from home, due to the coronavirus restrictions, during an online training session. To stem the spread of COVID-19, Turkey closed down sports facilities in March but Parlak’s students wanted to continue their pole lessons. Using video conferencing, Parlak teaches the vigorous exercise from her studio in Istanbul’s hip Cihangir district. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)

Yet for one man, Guardsman Edward Charlton of the Irish Guards, his finest hour was yet to come. For just days before Hitler’s suicide and, later, Germany’s surrender, he would display such outstanding bravery that he would be awarded the final Victoria Cross (VC) of the war in Europe. 

Hurley and Behnken will emerge through the same double doors used on July 16, 1969, by Apollo 11´s Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins – the Operations and Checkout Building now bears Armstrong´s name.

“I didn´t want to sit there and be the one confining Puff because the corporation was telling me to do that. I´m not built that way,” Harrell said in an interview with Wall Street Journal in 2014. “I told Puff he needs to go and create his own opportunity: `You´re red-hot right now. I´m really letting you go so you can get rich.´”

Connolly set about informing senior officers of the precise details and they were able to confirm them with German prisoners who had observed the counterattack at first hand.Those who bore witness to Charlton’s bravery included Lieutenant Hans-Jurgen von Bulow, the company commander who was awarded an Iron Cross First Class for leading the successful attack at Wistedt. FILE – In this Dec. 21, 1968 file photo, Apollo 8 astronauts, suited up and ready to go, walk to a van heading for their Saturn V rocket for their moon orbit mission from Cape Kennedy, Fla. Leading the way is Commander Frank Borman, followed by James A. Lovell and William A. Anders. (AP Photo)

Former glamour model Katie, who was once worth more than £40million, was made bankrupt last November after the High Court found she had failed to stick to a plan to repay her debts, estimated to be £800,000.

Making a comeback after three decades is NASA´s worm logo – wavy, futuristic-looking red letters spelling NASA, the “A” resembling rocket nose cones. The worm adorns the Astro-Tesla, Falcon and even the astronauts’ suits, along with NASA´s original blue meatball-shaped logo.

Playing professionally, let alone returning to the ice, was the last thing on Sammy Davis´ mind following her sophomore season when the Boston University women´s hockey forward sat out an entire year after having both hips surgically repaired.

Davis joins the Pride after a senior season in which she led the Terriers with 17 goals and 41 points in 36 games, and earned a Hockey East first-team selection. The 5-foot-4 forward enjoyed an even better season as a junior, in which she led the conference with 25 goals and finished second with 52 points.

The memorial broadcast dubbed “Mr. Champagne and Bubbles” – a nickname of Harrell´s – will feature tributes from Chris Rock, Mariah Carey, Jamie Foxx, Babyface, Naomi Campbell, Lee Daniels, Clarence Avant, Russell Simmons, Kimora Lee Simmons, Robin Thicke and more. It will air commercial free on BET, BET Jams, BET Soul and REVOLT TV, where Harrell served as vice chairman.

“The defendant allegedly stole money meant to assist hard-hit employees and businesses during these difficult times, and instead greedily used the money to bankroll his lavish purchases of jewelry and other personal items,” Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department´s Criminal Division said in a statement.

“I hope to God that you are all blessed to have someone in your life that loves you and believes in you like this man believed in me,” Diddy wrote on Instagram. “I´m going to miss him so much. I can´t even imagine life without Dre.”

Fayne’s lawyer Tanya Miller said in an email: “There has been considerable confusion among small business owners about PPP guidelines – particularly around the question of whether and how business owners are permitted to pay themselves a salary or take an owner´s draw.”

In this Friday, Jan. 17, 2020 photo made available by NASA, astronauts Doug Hurley, left, and Robert Behnken pose in front of a Tesla Model X car during a SpaceX launch dress rehearsal at Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla. The NASA astronauts rode to the pad in the electric vehicle made by Elon Musk’s company. (Kim Shiflett/NASA via AP)

The academy told Rolling Stone that ‘we understand that in the current climate, sentiment might be changing. We are continuing to follow the conversation and are committed to making necessary adjustments.’

Duda’s contribution is an answer to a challenge from a Polish rapper, Zeus, part of a charity action in which musical performers record 16 verses of rapped text to raise money for Poland´s health service. The action so far has raised over 1.6 million zlotys ($380,000).

FILE – In this Jan. 16, 2010 file photo, media executive Andre Harrell speaks during the 2010 BET Hip Hop Honors in Washington. A tribute to Harrell, the late music executive who discovered Sean “Diddy” Combs and died earlier this month, will air Sunday on BET, BET Jams, BET Soul and REVOLT TV, where Harrell served as vice chairman. (AP Photo/Nick Wass, File)

Billie Eilish won five honors at the 2020 Grammys, including album, song and record of the year, along with best new artist. Songs and albums released between Sept. 1, 2019 and Aug. 31, 2020 will be eligible for nominations at the 2021 Grammys. There are 84 categories.

Poland’s President Andrzej Duda is hugging First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda during a ruling Law and Justice party convention that backed his re-election bid in the May 10 presidential vote in Warsaw, Poland, Saturday, Feb. 15, 2020. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)

The inscription on Charlton’s gravestone reads: ‘Greater love hath no man that he lay down his life for others.’ In 1956, Charlton’s parents gifted his medal group, including his VC, to the Irish Guards and it remains on display at their regimental headquarters at Wellington Barracks in Central London. 

If you want these for lounging or sweating in (the choice is yours), then click (right) to get them for $98. Or check out some affordable black joggers you can snap up below to recreate Ana’s look for less.

It’s not possible to value them based on forward guidance at present, as the company has suspended earnings guidance for 2020, but the price to earnings ratio is 19.4, with a yield of 1.85 per cent on the latest available figures.This July 31, 2019 photo made available by SpaceX shows astronauts Bob Behnken, left, and Doug Hurley in Hawthorne, Calif., during a joint training event between NASA and SpaceX. Following crew suit-up, the crew ingressed the capsule simulator in Hawthorne, Calif., as they would on launch day, and the teams performed a simulated launch countdown and several emergency egress scenarios. SpaceX designed and built its own suits, which are custom-fit. (SpaceX via AP)

FILE – In this Jan. 16, 2010 file photo, media executive Andre Harrell speaks during the 2010 BET Hip Hop Honors in Washington. Harrell, the Uptown Records founder who shaped the sound of hip-hop and R&B in the late ’80s and ’90s with acts like Mary J. Blige and Heavy D and also launched the career of mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs, has died, several members of the music community revealed late Friday, May 8, 2020. He was 59. (AP Photo/Nick Wass)

Pictured: File photo of a Rolls Royce Wraith taken in Geneva, Switzerland in March last year. Fayne also leased one of the models on a spending spree after being sent over $2million for a coronavirus business loan from the federal government 

Juliani said his concert tapped into rising sentiments amongst Kenyans over the widening gap between rich and poor, adding it was an opportunity to re-think existing policies and demand changes in our societies.

Harrell left to launch Uptown, where he also had success with Soul for Real, Lost Boyz, Christopher Williams, Monifah and Father MC. Harrell´s talent even extended to television and movies. He executive produced the hit ´90s police TV drama “New York Undercover,” which ran for four seasons. He also produced the 1992 Halle Berry comedy “Strictly Business” and 2003´s “Honey,” starring Jessica Alba.

“We are for the freedom of expression, creativity, inclusion, equality, and most of all, love,” the group said. “Our work has always centered around creating a safe space for those ideals to flourish. Our show does not exist without the operations of brilliant black artists that created two of our most beloved American art forms, jazz and hip-hop.”

Amanda Kloots says she ‘now just wears all of Nick Cordero’s… Sarah Michelle Gellar dyes her signature blonde hair rosé… Freddie Prinze Jr looks like he’s just a stepped off a… Dolly Parton was revealed to be a secret producer of Buffy…

In 1993, though, Harrell let Diddy go from Uptown. Harrell said one of the reasons he fired Diddy was because MCA Records – the label´s distributor – didn´t want to release B.I.G.´s debut album because of its raw and rough subject matter about street life.

‘Such was the boldness of his attack and the intensity of his fire that he halted the leading enemy company, inflicting heavy casualties on them. ‘This effort at the same time brought much-needed relief to his own infantry. ‘For ten minutes Guardsman Charlton fired in this manner, until wounded in the left arm. 

Poland’s President Andrzej Duda addresses supporters during a ruling Law and Justice party convention that backed his re-election bid in the May 10 presidential vote in Warsaw, Poland, Saturday, Feb. 15, 2020. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)

“Rehab process is going great,” Landry said from his Florida home. “It´s just a little difficult obviously, just some of the modality type of things I´ve been doing that obviously with quarantine and everything I haven´t been able to have access to. So that´s kind of been the toughest part of it.

The piece we have our eye on, however, is her black joggers by Lululemon. They are light-weight and offer a bit of stretch which is perfect for these warmer days. We love the classic black style which helps give the sporty pants some fashion cred.

With loungewear being king right now, we are constantly in need of inspiration to keep us sane while working from home. Luckily we have Ana de Armas to inspire us during her daily paparazzi walks in Los Angeles!

‘Why we have been kept back so long I don’t know, but our day is coming,’ he wrote. Several months after D-Day, he moved with his battalion through Belgium and Holland, writing home to tell his family how grateful the locals had been to be rid of the German occupation and detailing their terrible deprivations during this time. 

If you are a long-time bikini wearer, providing you are reasonably comfortable with your body, the only thing standing in the way of you wearing a bikini well into your Helen Mirren prime is skimpy bottoms — God forbid ones string-tied at the sides — and insubstantial, unsupportive, flimsy bra tops.

President Andrzej Duda’s recording has drawn over 1.9 million views on YouTube since Monday, along with both praise for his participation and criticism of the metaphorical lyrics, which are being interpreted as a description of medics’ attempts to save lives.

Yet after five years in the Irish Guards Ed was more Irish than English, in fact, more Irish than many of us. ‘He had the blarney all right, and a temper with the physique to make it dangerous. But he had a heart of gold. He was a man, the way real men are and should be. In this Thursday, April 30, 2020 photo, Tuba Parlak, 39, a pole dancing performer and instructor warms-up at her studio in Istanbul, as she prepares for an online training session for students at home, due to the coronavirus restrictions. To stem the spread of COVID-19, Turkey closed down sports facilities in March but Parlak’s students wanted to continue their pole lessons. Using video conferencing, Parlak teaches the vigorous exercise from her studio in Istanbul’s hip Cihangir district. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)

Mr Duda’s contribution is an answer to a challenge from a Polish rapper, Zeus, part of a charity action in which musical performers record 16 verses of rapped text to raise money for Poland’s health service.

Diddy often credits Harrell with giving him the tools to find success in music and life, even saying Harrell was like a father figure to him. In 1993, Harrell let go of Diddy, who then launched his uber-successful Bad Boy Records.

WASHINGTON, May 13 (Reuters) – The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) on Wednesday said it has charged two more individuals for defrauding the U.S. government coronavirus bailout program: a Texas engineer and a star from the reality television show “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta”.

While the origins of the term’s use in music jargon were not negative – a black New York radio DJ coined it in the 1970s – today it is considered an antiquated umbrella term that marginalizes the work of black music, especially as hip hop and R&B are among the globe’s most popular genres.

Midas verdict: Smith & Nephew might occupy the less exciting end of the healthcare spectrum, but the company serves a growing market thanks to an ageing population and increasing numbers of people in developing countries having elective surgery. 

Or maybe you did dig out the bag of tops and bottoms, took one look at the skimpy straps, surprisingly small pants (did I really wear these nine months ago?) only to decide, with regret, that time’s up for you and the bikini.

In the early ´90s, Diddy began interning for Uptown and quickly rose up the ranks after finding success with just-signed acts including R&B group Jodeci and Blige, who was dubbed the Queen of Hip-Hop Soul with the release of her 1992 debut, “What´s the 411?” Uptown also released Notorious B.I.G.´s first single, 1993´s “Party and Bull—-,” which was featured on a film soundtrack.

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Pictured: Maurice ‘Mo Arkansas’ Fayne on VH1’s ‘Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta’ in the 2019 series of the show. Fayne appeared on several episodes of ‘Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta’ as the love interest of Karlie Redd, a longtime cast member

Sofia Richie, 21, looks sullen in new portrait… after her… Kristin Cavallari breaks her silence after announcing… Jim Edmonds’ ‘threesome’ girl Kortnie O’Connor makes herself… Nikki Bella dishes on the reasons behind John Cena breakup…

Gallagher also revealed that Charlton, badly injured and by then a prisoner of war, had said farewell to his fellow PoW with the words ‘Up the Micks’, an affectionate reference to his Irish comrades. Charlton died from his wounds just hours later. 

Cops were reported to have located Floyd, who was suspected of forgery, in his car around 8pm before ordering him to exit the vehicle, according to a police statement. A spokesman alleged Floyd got out of the car before ‘physically resisting officers’.   

You could be slimmer and more toned than you were in your only-wear-a-bikini years. You might be in the same shape as you were last year, when you lived in a striped bikini for two weeks — the only difference is now you feel…underdressed. Overexposed.

‘At a time when small businesses are struggling for survival, we cannot tolerate anyone driven by personal greed, who misdirects federal emergency assistance earmarked for keeping businesses afloat,’ said Chris Hacker, Special Agent in Charge of FBI Atlanta.

“The concert is to highlight these issues and reflect on the shortcomings that have led to the extreme vulnerability of these communities – but it is also to give hope,” he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Pictured: Maurice ‘Mo Arkansas’ Fayne on VH1’s ‘Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta’ in the 2019 series of the show. Fayne appeared on several episodes of ‘Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta’ as the love interest of Karlie Redd, a longtime cast member

FILE – In this Aug. 17, 2015 file photo, Athletic Bilbao’s Aritz Aduriz celebrates after scoring against FC Barcelona during a Spanish Super Cup soccer match at the Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona, Spain. Aduriz announced his retirement from soccer on Wednesday May 20, 2020 a day after finding out he needs a hip replacement that will keep him from continuing to perform as an athlete. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez, File)If you want to emulate Ashley (and Anna Wintour), click (right) to make this one yours for $250. If you love the look more than the label, check out affordable alternatives below including J.ING, Calvin Klein and Old Navy.

The attack happened as she was taking an afternoon walk along the beach, leaving her partially sighted and scarred after Aspiotis punched her in the face before dragging her by her hair into the woods to rape her five times at knife point.  

Aduriz’s retirement – after a career of nearly two decades – means he will miss the team´s much-anticipated Copa del Rey final against Basque Country rival Real Sociedad, which is yet to be rescheduled after being suspended in April because of the coronavirus pandemic. The game could be delayed until next year as both clubs want to play the final when fans are allowed back into stadiums.

Fayne, 37, is the sole owner of transportation business Flame Trucking and in April he applied for a loan that the federal government was offering to small businesses decimated by the coronavirus pandemic, officials said. 

The academy’s board of trustees approved the new changes last month. The organization also said it is making its 66-page rules and guidelines book public for the first time, at Grammys.com, starting Wednesday.

“Unfortunately, we are living through situations much more grim and painful; the pandemic that we are suffering from has left us with irreparable damage and we have to keep fighting it, together,” he said. “Therefore, I don’t want you to worry about me, this is just an anecdote. Let’s forget about the final we dreamed about, because we will have time to say goodbye.”

The star always looks comfy cute and we want to copy today’s look ASAP. She opted for a plain black T-shirt, which she paired with her go-to black Converse high-top sneakers and a Sanctuary printed face mask.

Despite the breakup of their marriage, both parents have managed to maintain a positive relationship, and they regularly come together to support their children at school events and special occasions. 

“As talented and determined as Sammy is on the ice, her selflessness and leadership make her a perfect fit for the team we are building,” said Pride GM Karilyn Pilch, who knew Davis after previously serving as BU´s director of hockey operations.

The company, whose catalogue also includes antimicrobial care products for postoperative wounds and ulcers, posted a huge drop in sales for April as non-elective surgeries around the globe were cancelled to take pressure off hospitals and medical staff.

Harrell was born in the Harlem borough of New York on Sept. 26, 1960. He was part of the rap duo Dr. Jeckyll & Mr. Hyde, releasing several songs before dropping their debut album, “The Champagne of Rap,” in 1985.

Musicians ranging from Lady Gaga to Cold Play have taken to the internet in recent months streaming free online concerts to provide solidarity with health workers, raise funds for charity, and entertain their fans locked down at home.

On launch day, Hurley and Behnken will get ready inside Kennedy´s remodeled crew quarters, which dates back to the two-man Gemini missions of the mid-1960s. SpaceX techs will help the astronauts into their one-piece, two-layer pressure suits.

President Andrzej Duda’s recording has drawn over 1.9 million views on YouTube since Monday – along with both praise for his participation and criticism of the metaphorical lyrics, which are being interpreted as a description of medics’ attempts to save lives.

MADRID (AP) – Athletic Bilbao striker Aritz Aduriz announced his retirement from soccer on Wednesday, a day after finding out he needs a hip replacement that will keep him from continuing to perform as an athlete.

A source told the outlet the now former couple called it quits last month, adding: ‘Cara and Ashley always had their ups and down before but it’s over now, their relationship just ran its course.’   

Without prior warning to any of the women he had assaulted, Aspiotis was taken out of prison to live again in Kavos, Corfu despite Greek authorities claiming that the rapist wouldn’t be released on parole until he was aged 92. 

In this Thursday, April 30, 2020 photo, Tuba Parlak, 39, a pole dancing performer and instructor performs at her studio in Istanbul, during an online training session for students watching from home, due to the coronavirus restrictions. To stem the spread of COVID-19, Turkey closed down sports facilities in March but Parlak’s students continued their pole lessons, using video conferencing. For students not having a pole at home, Parlak has designed a special programme to make sure they stay strong and fit. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)

This photo provided by Maxar’s WorldView-3 satellite shows an overview of Launch Pad 39A and the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket with the Crew Dragon spacecraft on top of the rocket, Saturday, May 23, 2020, at Kennedy Space Center, in Florida. NASA is preparing for its first manned flight in nearly a decade from the United States. (Satellite image ©2020 Maxar Technologies via AP)Popstar feud: The singer, whose real name is Elly Jackson, has opened up about the bizarre feud she got in with the rap legend after telling one of their mutual friends that the 42-year-old hip-hop star is ‘weird

The In For The Kill hitmaker, whose real name is Elly Jackson, has opened up about the bizarre feud she got in with the rap legend after telling one of their mutual friends that the 42-year-old hip-hop star is ‘weird’. 

The extended tour lay-off could also play into the hands of the new generation of players whom Becker has long called upon to stand up and be counted in their quest to dethrone the likes of Federer and Djokovic.

NOTES: The Browns signed two 2020 draft picks: TE Harrison Bryant and WR Donovan Peoples-Jones to their rookie contracts. Bryant, the John Mackey Award winner last season from Florida Atlantic, was taken in the fourth round while People-Jones, who played at Michigan, was drafted in the sixth round. Landry and Peoples-Jones became friends before the draft and Landry has been impressed with his new teammate. “He has a lot of questions, which I admire about him,” Landry said. “He´s asking me about punters. He´s asking me about the team. He´s asking me about guys on the team. I see already he´s a hard worker. I see that he´s eager to learn.”

“Not everyone can stay at home and earn a living. In my neighbourhood, we have families of more than five people who are living in a very small space. Households share outside toilets and water is not enough,” said Juliani.

‘It’s war against the feds right now – we tryna get outta the hood. These guys hate seeing us do well and it’s a shame but f**k what anyone thinks,’ the group wrote on Instagram as the sentencing was announced

Aduriz, who also played for Spanish clubs Valladolid, Mallorca and Valencia, leaves Athletic as the club’s sixth-highest scorer with 172 goals. He was a member of Spain’s squad at the 2016 European Championship in France.

Regarded as one of Germany´s best ever players, Seeler was famous for his overhead kicks and ability to score goals from the unlikeliest of angles. He was also known for his humility and fairness, and respected for his never wavering loyalty to his hometown club, Hamburg.

The team announced Wednesday that Kramer underwent the procedure last week in Vail, Colorado. The 26-year-old Kramer had been dealing with what the club called “chronic symptoms” while attempting to stay ready for the potential start to the 2020 season.

Natural look: The standout of the El Internado TV series – which aired from 2007 to 2010 – added several pieces of gold jewelry including a watch, bracelet, ring and necklace. Her long brunette hair was worn down and parted in the middle

Fayne is the sole owner of transportation business Flame Trucking and in April he applied for a loan that the federal government was offering to small businesses decimated by the coronavirus pandemic, officials said. 

Some of Parlak´s students had poles installed at home, with a discount from a local pole manufacturer, and others are continuing with pole dance floor work. The classes, most of them advanced, are only available to students that Parlak already worked with.

Snoop Dogg is expected to go head-to-head with talk show host and comedian Kerwin Frost on Sunday to conclude the Gamers Without Borders tournament, a six-week event that has raised $10 million for global charities battling the coronavirus pandemic.

‘Forest and I have the best routine down pat. We wake up, I feed him breakfast, he goes back down for a nap, then when he wakes up, we both go straight to F45, come home, have lunch, he’s back down for a nap,’ Skye explained.

Aspiotis made the holiday rep lie next to him as he slept, holding a knife to her throat, before she was able to escape hours later at around 4am when he handed her €10 and brazenly told her to go to hospital.  

“Right now I´m a little bit ahead of schedule, but the most important thing right now is taking it day by day. I can´t predict when exactly I´ll be on the field, whether that´s July, August or September. But obviously my return date is sometime in August.”

In a photo provided by SpaceX, SpaceX’s Dragon crew capsule sits atop a Falcon 9 rocket Sunday morning, May 24, 2020, at Cape Canaveral, Fla. SpaceX will attempt to launch NASA astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken to the International Space Station on Wednesday – a first for a private company. It will be the first astronaut launch from Florida since Atlantis closed out the space shuttle program in 2011, and the first American-made capsule to carry people into orbit since the Apollo-Soyuz mission in 1975. (SpaceX via AP)

NAIROBI, May 15 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Popular Kenyan hip hop artist Juliani will stage an online concert on Sunday to draw attention to the social inequalities exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic that has caused multiple challenges for the country’s poor.

‘The truth is you have a lot of kids at home that normally would be at school and doing other things,’ said Miami Police Chief Jorge Colina, according to the Herald. ‘We’ve had two horrific incidents in the past week. It’s just brutal.’ He scored 43 goals in 72 games for West Germany, finishing runner-up to England at the 1966 World Cup and with a third-place medal four years later in Mexico. He was part of the German team for 16 years.

Landry, who opted for surgery in February after being slowed by an injury last season, said on a Zoom call Wednesday that his rehab has gone as well as expected and he’s “a little bit” ahead of schedule.

The actress wore this navy and white striped cardigan by Vogue-approved label La Ligne. In fact, Anna Wintour seems to be exclusively quarantining in the brand’s signature striped sweaters. Ashley’s features a v-neckline, tortoise shell buttons and a thick knit which is perfect for WFH. Super cozy yet incredibly chic!

Duda’s participation comes as he seeks a second term in a presidential election that is expected within the next three months. It was originally due to be held last Sunday, but was postponed last week amid criticism of a plan by the conservative government – which backs the incumbent – to go ahead with an all-postal vote amid restrictions on public life caused by the pandemic.

The ‘world’s tallest and most extreme stand-alone inflatable water slide’ is being sued for negligence by a Victorian tourist who claims to have suffered a hip injury on the Gold Coast tourist attraction.

FILE – In this May 1, 1972 file photo German soccer star Uwe Seeler shoots a penalty during his farewell match in Hamburg, Germany. Former West Germany and Hamburger SV forward Uwe Seeler is to have an operation for a broken hip after a bad fall at home. (AP Photo/Helmuth Lohmann, file)

The rap group – who have amassed more than 30 million views on their YouTube channel and 28 million plays on Spotify – were initially told their meeting with ASAP Ferg would only be for 10 minutes to take a photo.

Harrell, who died at age 59, founded Uptown Records and shaped the sound of hip-hop and R&B in the late 1980s and ´90s with acts such as Mary J. Blige, Heavy D & the Boyz, Al B. Sure! and Guy, the R&B trio that also included megaproducer Teddy Riley, the leader of the New Jack Swing movement.

Cute: Jennifer Hawkins welcomed daughter Frankie seven months ago. The model shared a sweet Instagram photo on Monday which showed the tot curled in her arms as they posed in the walkway of her $20million waterfront mansion in Newport, Sydney. Both pictured 

In this Jan. 26, 2020 photo AFC wide receiver Jarvis Landry, of the Cleveland Browns, runs the ball up the field during the NFL Pro Bowl football game against the NFC in Orlando, Fla. The Browns wide receiver has made the most of being quarantined the past two months and said he’s ahead of schedule as he recovers from off-season hip surgery. Landry, who has never missed a game in his NFL career, said on a Zoom call Wednesday, May 20, 2020 that his rehab has gone well and that he envisions being back in the field in August _ assuming players are allowed in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. (AP Photo/Steve Luciano)

Michael McGowan, 17, said he held the gun when it fired, authorities said in a police report, obtained by the Miami Herald, which noted that all four witnesses ‘told police the shooting was accidental.’

In this Thursday, April 30, 2020 photo, Tuba Parlak, 39, a pole dancing performer and instructor prepares at her studio in Istanbul, for an online training session for students at home, due to the coronavirus restrictions.To stem the spread of COVID-19, Turkey closed down sports facilities in March but Parlak’s students wanted to continue their pole lessons. Using video conferencing, Parlak teaches the vigorous exercise from her studio in Istanbul’s hip Cihangir district. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)

The 83-year-old Seeler has repeatedly suffered health setbacks in recent years. After a car accident in 2010, the former striker lost hearing in his right ear and had problems with balance. He also had a pacemaker fitted and had to have a tumor removed from his shoulder, news agency dpa reported.

Maurice Fayne, a star of the show who also goes by Arkansas Mo, was arrested on bank fraud charges for allegedly using more than $1.5 million he obtained in the name of Flame Trucking for himself, instead of retaining workers. He bought $85,000 worth of jewelry including a Rolex watch, made loan payments and paid $40,000 for child support with the money, a DOJ statement said.

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Many African singers have also composed songs or re-purposed old classics with fresh lyrics aimed at spreading awareness about the virus and advising people to maintain social distancing, regular hand-washing and wearing a face mask.

Ms Morgan, who was working as a holiday rep in 2010 when she was raped by Aspiotis, was told to put the incident behind her and enjoy her life by a judge after she gave evidence against him at his trial. “Yesterday, the doctors told me to go see the surgeon, sooner rather than later, to get a prosthetic to replace my hip and to try and go about my everyday life, as normally as possible. Unfortunately, my body has said ‘enough’.

‘At a time when small businesses are struggling for survival, we cannot tolerate anyone driven by personal greed, who misdirects federal emergency assistance earmarked for keeping businesses afloat,’ said Chris Hacker, Special Agent in Charge of FBI Atlanta.

The seven-minute video also included some emotional kissing from Zoë Saldaña and her husband Marco Perego, Ricky Martin and his husband Jwan Yosef, Bad Bunny and Gabriela Berlingeri and the Los Angeles Philharmonic Music Director Gustavo Dudamel and his wife, Spanish actress María Valverde.

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In an Instagram post, Jackson added: ‘U will know who Floyd was. Nobodies perfect but Floyd was loved by everybody when he’s friends wasn’t. Just the facts u gotta be from HTown to know what I’m saying. Rest Easy Twin we riding for ya.’

“They have no jobs and no food because of the lockdown measures, they face brutality from police who are enforcing curfews, there is increased gender based violence,” said the 36-year-old musician, who has over 260,000 followers on Twitter.

Police on the Greek island had launched a manhunt for Aspiotis earlier this month after he was linked to the rape of an Albanian woman who claimed she was dragged into a forest and repeatedly raped at knifepoint. 

French Open chiefs signal intent to play tournament behind… ‘It’s between Novak, Roger and Rafa on who ends up with the… Dan Evans ready to turn to Tim Henman’s former coach as… ‘He’s in NO position to express an opinion… I’ll have no…

Former One Direction performer Liam Payne will join soccer stars Dele Alli (England), Paulo Dybala (Juventus), Trent Alexander-Arnold (Liverpool) and Joao Felix (Portugal) and Andre Silva (Portugal) in this weekend’s event.

“We´ve been Face-Timing,” Landry said. “We´ve been kind of documenting our whole process of recovery and sending it back and forth to each other. Obviously right now, it´s a crucial time in our recovery stages of getting our strength back. The healing process is kind of done. Now it´s time to make sure that everything´s working together.”

That is the opinion of tennis great Boris Becker who believes that while the likes of Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic are left kicking their heels, Murray can make major strides in shrugging off his problematic hip injury.

French Open chiefs signal intent to play tournament behind… ‘It’s between Novak, Roger and Rafa on who ends up with the… Dan Evans ready to turn to Tim Henman’s former coach as… ‘He’s in NO position to express an opinion… I’ll have no…

In an additional social media posts, Idol slammed the shooter, writing, ‘he knew how to check the barrel’ and ‘had time to record the bullet in the barrel and take pics for snap after he murdered my 17-year-old sister.’ 

Jackson told DailyMail.com: ‘I never saw him play [basketball] in high school. But they say he was better at football. He was a tight end. They made it to the state championship, and lost in the state championship at Yates. He was a dual threat. He was a dual athlete.’

A second wave of Covid-19 infections is a concern, but as nations work out how to restart their healthcare systems to routine operations, there should be scope for dealing with pent-up demand for hip and knee replacements. 

“So many can say they are successful because Andre Harrell gave them their start. He was so beloved because he made his living uplifting others,” Simmons posted Saturday on Instagram. “We celebrate him in his passing because we were so blessed for his presence… He gave everything he had. God makes the best plans R.I.P @andreharrell.”

It’s been a difficult few months for the star, culminating in her checking into The Priory for post traumatic stress disorder, but the time out appears to have done the mother-of-five the world of good.

Bohannon, a 6-foot-1 guard, averaged 8.8 points and 3.3 assists in 10 games before undergoing season-ending surgery on his left hip in December. He had the same procedure on his right hip last May. The Marion, Iowa, native holds the Iowa record with 284 career 3-pointers made and enters his final season as a Hawkeye with career totals of 1,310 points, 504, assists, 250 rebounds and 82 steals.

The renamed category ‘is intended to highlight albums that include the more progressive elements of R&B and may include samples and elements of hip-hop, rap, dance, and electronic music,’ the academy said.

In total, Mr Boldiston is claiming $60,000 in general damages, $5409 in loss of income, $33,167 in out of pocket medical expenses, $15,972 in past care and assistance, $52,000 in future care, $205,000 for future diminished earning capacity, $23,000 in lost future superannuation and $92,000 for future surgery and medical expenses.It’s also particularly hard to gauge how bigger bikini bottoms will look. On me, a tummy-button-grazing style looks terrible — I prefer boy shorts that finish at the top of the hip — but a friend with a similar figure is the opposite.

In this Feb. 2, 2016, photo, Northeastern goalie Brittany Bugalski (39) makes the save on a shot by Boston University forward Sammy Davis (16) during the first period of a women’s Beanpot NCAA college hockey match in Boston. The Boston Pride selected Boston University forward Sammy Davis with the first pick in the NWHL Draft on Tuesday night, April 28, 2020. (Barry Chin/The Boston Globe via AP)

Which is where we have got lucky this summer. A short survey of celebrities (Hollywood actor Liam Hemsworth’s girlfriend Gabriella Brooks to name one) shows that even the young and fit are opting for more sporty, less brief styles. You don’t have to be a midlife woman to want a bit more of a cover-up.

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It was originally due to be held last Sunday, but was postponed last week amid criticism of a plan by the conservative government, which backs the incumbent, to go ahead with an all-postal vote amid restrictions on public life caused by the pandemic.

But instead of the traditional Astrovan, the two will climb into the back seat of a Tesla Model X for the nine-mile ride to Launch Complex 39A, the same pad used by the moonmen and most shuttle crews. It’s while they board the Tesla that they’ll see their wives and young sons for the last time before flight.

He first found success in the late ´80s with debut albums from Heavy D & the Boyz, Al B. Sure! and Guy, the R&B trio that also included megaproducer Teddy Riley, the leader of the New Jack Swing movement.

NEW YORK (AP) – Just two days before it was to begin streaming, “We Are Freestyle Love Supreme,” a documentary about the hip-hop improv group with Lin-Manuel Miranda and friends, has postponed its release out of solidarity with protesters.

Seeler won the German championship in 1960 and German Cup in 1963 with the club, but also endured heartbreak with near misses in the European Cup and European Cup Winners´ Cup. Hamburg lost to Barcelona in the European Cup semifinals in 1961 and to AC Milan in the Cup Winners´ Cup final in 1968.

Treasury also updated forecasts on net overseas migration – which takes in tourists, business visitors and international students – which has dropped by nearly a third for the current financial year and is expected to fall a whopping 85 per cent in 2021/22.

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On Sunday, people were seen dancing, drinking and sharing a hookah on the deck of one yacht in Biscayne Bay in Miami. Dozens more were seen waiting in a massive line near a marina in Miami, which is one of three epicenters of the virus in the state.  

The Chiefs will be without their captain, All Blacks flanker Sam Cane, for the Highlanders game while test prop Angus Ta’avao is sidelined until mid-July as he recovers from surgery on a quadriceps injury. (Reporting by Ian Ransom in Melbourne; Editing by Peter Rutherford)

Juliani, who was raised in Nairobi’s Dandora settlement that is also the largest dump site in the capital, said the concert was for his fans, most of whom are from city slums and crippled by the arrival of the coronavirus in the east African nation.

Dozens of boats were spotted on a sandbar near John’s Pass as thousands of people flocked to area beaches during the first weekend public beaches reopened after they were closed a few weeks ago in a bid to stop the spread of COVID-19. 

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“In these strange times, the likes of gaming really brings communities, friends and strangers together from all walks of life,” Snoop Dogg said. “Tournaments like Gamers Without Borders not only help donate big dollars to these charities fighting COVID but they also bring fun and an escape. Watch out Kerwin Frost — I’m always down for FIFA, and I’m out here to win!”

The first ended in a mistrial with a hung jury. Rosemond was convicted at his second trial and sentenced to life in prison, but the judge was later found to have erred on one point, and a third trial was ordered. That also resulted in a conviction and life sentence, which Rosemond appealed.

It marked a tremendous comeback for the 2016 Hockey East rookie of the year runner-up, whose career was placed on hold after the hip pain Davis experienced during her sophomore season was the result of a bilateral labral tear.

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