What Kinds Of Jobs Can Be Outsourced?

Roustabout jobs are the entry-level jobs on oil rigs. On most oil rigs, you work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for 2 to 3 weeks at a stretch. Working as a roustabout is back-breaking and dirty – you do everything from cleaning and painting the oil rig to mixing the drilling mud and even moving supplies and equipment around the oil rig. On the other hand, practically everyone who matters on board the oil rig starts out as a roustabout, so you have no right to complain.

For English-speaking workers, there are three main places which hire people for roustabout jobs – Canada, US and linkedin – my.wobbjobs.com, UK. Alberta in Canada is still short of people, so it is easiest to get hired there. As long as you are tough enough and show the right attitude, many companies will be willing to pay for any courses or certifications which are required.

At the moment, it is also fairly easy to get offshore roustabout jobs in the US, especially in the Gulf Coast region. In some places, it is as simple as showing up at the temp agency. As in Canada, many companies badly need workers and are willing to pay for any training and certifications required. As a rough guide, your employer will send you to get your in offshore medical certificate, offshore survival certificate and helicopter underwater escape training certificate before you even set foot on the oil rig. After that will probably be a 2 or 3 week course induction course on your duties aboard the oil rig.

UK residents have it tougher. Most employers want you to show your BOSIET offshore survival training certificate, offshore medical certificate, and what the Brits call a GreenHand course. All told, taking getting all of these could set you back 3500 pounds, depending on where you take these course, and there is no guarantee of a job. The offshore scene there is surprisingly small – you really need to know the right people. Most of the jobs are off Aberdeen, so if you live elsewhere you really do not have a chance at all. For new hires without connections, the ex-armed forces personnel find it easiest to break in. British servicemen have a kind of skills conversion course which helps them get offshore oil jobs. Frankly, UK residents who want to break into the oil industry are better off looking for jobs in Alberta or the US Gulf Coast states.

When you apply for roustabout jobs, remember to highlight work experience which involves manual work and mechanical work. If you have any survival training or something like the BOSIET or HUET certificates, highlight these as well. Remember that roustabouts do a lot of manual labor, so do NOT brag about your university degree or some other highly technical skill – the employer may reject you for being over-qualified. Some companies now want you to prove that you have completed your high school education. Regardless of who you work for, there will be frequent drug-testing, especially if any accidents happen.

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Steve Jobs, Co-Founder of Apple Computer Inc., 1976.

Steve Jobs was adopted to a family in Mountain View, California. While still in high school, Jobs interest in electronics prompted him to call William Hewlett of Hewlett-Packard to ask for some parts for a school project. Hewlett provided the parts and then made an offer to Jobs to intern at Hewlett-Packard for a summer. There, Jobs met Steve Wozniak, a talented and knowledgeable engineer five years older than the high school student. Their friendship would eventually be the foundation on which Apple was built.

Jobs dropped out of Reed College after one semester and went to work for Atari designing games. He carefully saved the money he earned while working at Atari so that he could take a trip to India and sate his bourgeoning interest in the spiritualism of the East.

After returning home from India, Jobs and Wozniak renewed their friendship. Jobs was shown a small computer that Wozniak had been working on as a hobby, but Jobs saw its potential immediately and persuaded Wozniak to go into business with him. In 1975, at the age of 20, Jobs went to work in his parents’ garage with Wozniak working on the Apple I prototype.

The Apple I sold modestly, but well enough to be able to go to work on the Apple II. In 1977, the new model was put on sale. With a keyboard, colour monitors and user-friendly software, Apple became a success. The company made $3 million in their first year and had surpassed $200 million in their third.

However, in addition to the Apple III and its successor the LISA not selling as well as had been hoped and a marked increase in competition in the sale of PCs, 1980 saw Apple lose almost half of its sales to IBM. Things got worse for Jobs in 1983 when a fight with the directors got him kicked off the board by the CEO, John Sculley, whom Jobs himself had hired.

In 1984, as a response to the sharp decline in sales, Jobs released the Apple Macintosh which introduced the world to the point-and-click simplicity of the mouse. The marketing for the Mac was handled poorly and with a price tag of $2,500, it was not finding its way into the homes for which it had been designed. Jobs tried to repackage the Mac as a business computer, but without a hard-drive or networking capabilities, not to mention only a small capacity for linkedin [my.wobbjobs.com] memory, corporations were not interested. In 1985, without any power in his own company, Jobs sold his stock in Apple and resigned.

Later in 1985, Jobs began NeXT Computer Co. with the money he’d made from the sale of his stock in Apple. He planned to build a computer to change the way research was done. The NeXT computer, though complete with processing speeds previously unseen, unmatched graphics, and an optical disk drive, at $9,950 each, sold poorly.

Persistent after the failures of the NeXT venture, Jobs began toying with software and started to focus his attention on a company he’d bought from George Lucas in 1986, Pixar Animation Studios. Jobs signed a three-picture deal with Disney, and began working on the first computer-animated feature. Released in the fall of 1995, it had taken “Toy Story” four years to be made. But the work had been well worth it, the film was an incredible success. Pixar went public in 1996, and in one day of trading, Jobs 80% share had become worth $1 billion.

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Apple was struggling, having failed to design a new Macintosh operating system, and the company only held 5% of the PC market. Days after Pixar went public, Apple bought NeXT for $400 million and renamed Jobs to the board of directors to advise Gilbert F. Amelio, the chairman and CEO. However, in March of 1997, Apple recorded a quarterly loss of $708 million, and Amelio resigned a few months later. Jobs was left in charge as interim CEO and it was up to him to keep the same company he had started and which had ousted him alive. So he made a deal with Microsoft. With an investment $150 million for a small stake in Apple, Apple and Microsoft would “cooperate on several sales and technology fronts”, and Apple would be assured their continuation in the PC market.

Jobs also went to work improving the quality of the Apple computers. The introduction of the G3 Power PC microprocessor made the Apple faster than those computers operating on Pentium processors. Apple also turned its energies toward producing an inexpensive desktop, the iMac, that was another hit for the company. With Jobs once again in control, Apple was able to quickly turn itself around, and by the end of 1998, was bringing in $5.9 billion in sales. Jobs had returned to his first love, a little older and a little wiser. He had made Apple healthy again and returned it to a place where it was contributing new and innovative technologies to the computer world.

What Other Jobs Require Respirators?

Many large game development companies offer video game internships for promising future developers. This can be a great way for students to try out different companies, learn what game development is really like, and get their foot in the door. Many of the larger game companies offer internship opportunities. A quick look at the web sites of the major console makers as well as the major publishers should turn up some opportunities for future interns to apply.

La vita di Steve Jobs in una graphic novel disponibile su Amazon

Once you get one of these short term jobs, how can you make the most of it, eventually leading to a job offer?

First off, it’s important to remember that video game internships can be viewed as an extended job interview. Large companies cultivate these programs so that they can test drive potential game developers. There’s nothing like actually seeing how someone works to tell you whether or not they would be a good person to put on your payroll.

Because of this chance the large companies are giving you, you need to make sure that you put forth your best effort. This is your chance, your big break, to get into the games industry! Don’t blow it by slacking off now. Even more than your GPA, your classes, or your resume, if you’ve already gotten into one of these video game internships, then how well you work with and contribute to your team is paramount to whether or not they’ll end up hiring you. So work hard! Take initiative. Look for ways to go above and beyond your duties, and be aggressive in your contribution.

If you did a great job and contributed to the team just as a normal full-time employee, then you will have a good shot at receiving a job offer at the conclusion of your internship. Or, at the very least, the company will be much more open to hiring you at a later date than they would any other unknown applicant!

Another good aspect of getting video game internships is the networking opportunity they present. Even if you don’t end up getting a job with the company that you interned with, you can still keep lots of doors open in the future via the people you met on your job. These coworkers, even though they may have only been with you for a few months, had a chance to really get to know you, to see how hard you work, and to know your passion for game development. These aren’t things that someone is likely to forget. Odds are that at the mention of your name they will remember how good of a worker you are for years after the internship.

For these reasons, it’s important to leave your internship on a good note, and to be sure to keep in touch with former coworkers from an internship. This is as easy as writing a thank you card or an email when you leave, and then shooting them an email every once in a while after you leave the internship. Just asking how things are going, if the project is still going well, and so on, can really help keep those connections alive.

Who knows? Your contacts might be begging for your return and may be able to get you hired, or they may go to another company who needs more people and bring you with them. Having friends in the games industry is never a bad thing, and developing them from your video game internships is a great place to start.