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Steve Jobs, Co-Founder of Apple Computer Inc., 1976.

Steve Jobs was adopted to a family in Mountain View, California. While still in high school, Jobs interest in electronics prompted him to call William Hewlett of Hewlett-Packard to ask for some parts for a school project. Hewlett provided the parts and then made an offer to Jobs to intern at Hewlett-Packard for wobb a summer. There, Jobs met Steve Wozniak, a talented and knowledgeable engineer five years older than the high school student. Their friendship would eventually be the foundation on which Apple was built.

Jobs dropped out of Reed College after one semester and went to work for Atari designing games. He carefully saved the money he earned while working at Atari so that he could take a trip to India and sate his bourgeoning interest in the spiritualism of the East.

After returning home from India, Jobs and Wozniak renewed their friendship. Jobs was shown a small computer that Wozniak had been working on as a hobby, but Jobs saw its potential immediately and persuaded Wozniak to go into business with him. In 1975, at the age of 20, Jobs went to work in his parents’ garage with Wozniak working on the Apple I prototype.

The Apple I sold modestly, but well enough to be able to go to work on the Apple II. In 1977, the new model was put on sale. With a keyboard, colour monitors and user-friendly software, Apple became a success. The company made $3 million in their first year and had surpassed $200 million in their third.

However, in addition to the Apple III and its successor the LISA not selling as well as had been hoped and a marked increase in competition in the sale of PCs, 1980 saw Apple lose almost half of its sales to IBM. Things got worse for Jobs in 1983 when a fight with the directors got him kicked off the board by the CEO, John Sculley, whom Jobs himself had hired.

In 1984, as a response to the sharp decline in sales, Jobs released the Apple Macintosh which introduced the world to the point-and-click simplicity of the mouse. The marketing for the Mac was handled poorly and with a price tag of $2,500, it was not finding its way into the homes for which it had been designed. Jobs tried to repackage the Mac as a business computer, but without a hard-drive or networking capabilities, not to mention only a small capacity for memory, corporations were not interested. In 1985, without any power in his own company, Jobs sold his stock in Apple and resigned.

Later in 1985, Jobs began NeXT Computer Co. with the money he’d made from the sale of his stock in Apple. He planned to build a computer to change the way research was done. The NeXT computer, though complete with processing speeds previously unseen, unmatched graphics, and an optical disk drive, at $9,950 each, sold poorly.

Persistent after the failures of the NeXT venture, Jobs began toying with software and started to focus his attention on a company he’d bought from George Lucas in 1986, Pixar Animation Studios. Jobs signed a three-picture deal with Disney, and began working on the first computer-animated feature. Released in the fall of 1995, it had taken “Toy Story” four years to be made. But the work had been well worth it, the film was an incredible success. Pixar went public in 1996, and in one day of trading, Jobs 80% share had become worth $1 billion.

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Apple was struggling, having failed to design a new Macintosh operating system, and the company only held 5% of the PC market. Days after Pixar went public, Apple bought NeXT for $400 million and renamed Jobs to the board of directors to advise Gilbert F. Amelio, the chairman and CEO. However, in March of 1997, Apple recorded a quarterly loss of $708 million, and Amelio resigned a few months later. Jobs was left in charge as interim CEO and it was up to him to keep the same company he had started and which had ousted him alive. So he made a deal with Microsoft. With an investment $150 million for a small stake in Apple, Apple and Microsoft would “cooperate on several sales and technology fronts”, and Apple would be assured their continuation in the PC market.

Jobs also went to work improving the quality of the Apple computers. The introduction of the G3 Power PC microprocessor made the Apple faster than those computers operating on Pentium processors. Apple also turned its energies toward producing an inexpensive desktop, the iMac, that was another hit for the company. With Jobs once again in control, Apple was able to quickly turn itself around, and by the end of 1998, was bringing in $5.9 billion in sales. Jobs had returned to his first love, a little older and a little wiser. He had made Apple healthy again and returned it to a place where it was contributing new and innovative technologies to the computer world.

Are All 9-5 Office Jobs Really 9-5?

When it comes to applying for one of the customer service jobs Birmingham offers or one of the customer service jobs Manchester offers, training is everything. Even if you are applying for one of the many customer service jobs London offers, it is vital that you have either the experience or training to succeed in this competitive field.

In the current climate, a good reputation for customer service is vital to the survival of many businesses. Customers must be at the heart of all businesses if companies wish to remain competitive. Employed to represent the company, ensure customer satisfaction and create loyalty, customer service representatives build the future of any organisation; because of this, being a customer services representative is one of the most flexible jobs you can find.

All companies require people to act as liaisons between themselves and the customers and therefore you can find this type of post almost anywhere.

When it comes to customer service jobs London may have a wider variety of options but the customer service jobs Birmingham offers and the customer service jobs Manchester has available go to prove that it doesn’t matter where you live. Customer service is a growing industry and positions are available across the country to those who have the skill-set required.

Customer service representatives will usually spend their time dealing with customer enquiries. These enquiries can be dealt with in person, over the phone or in writing either by email, fax or letter. As the first point of contact for customers, good communication skills are essential.

Effective and efficient communication is the core skill required in any customer service job and it is important that you are able to communicate well in all situations and mediums. Good listening skills are an integral part of this role as it is vital that customers feel heard when they contact a company.

Organisational skills are also important for anyone looking to enter into the customer service field and this will not change whether you are looking through the customer service jobs Manchester offers or those customer service jobs Birmingham has available.

The ability to quickly access information is vital when it comes to building relationships with your clients and it is these relationships that will help to grow a business. When a client contacts you, it is important that you are able to quickly collate various files and pieces of information in order that you can supply the customer with answers or assistance.

Hand in hand with communication and organisational talents, decision-making skills are also an important requirement for those seeking a career in customer service. Being decisive can often be the difference between quick resolutions that lead to customer satisfaction and poor experiences that lead to complaints.

You must be able to be decisive within the guidelines you are given and feel comfortable with your responsibilities and the authority given to you, taking ownership of issues and working through the best solutions for your customer.

Working within guidelines can often be the most rewarding part of the job. It is satisfying to know that you were able to come up with creative solutions to problems within the guidance set out for you by the organisation.

Most companies have a set of processes and protocols that employees must adhere to in order to satisfy legal, health and safety and idealistic requirements. It will be vital for you to ensure that you are aware of every aspect of these processes and procedures and that you are able to continually update yourself as and when they changed.

Most often, customer service representatives will work within a team environment. Working within a team can be challenging so it is important that you feel comfortable working in this type of environment.

Team working is an important aspect of customer service in that a team scenario allows you the security of colleagues from whom you can seek advice in unusual situations. Also, customer service teams often work closely in order to ensure that customer contacts are closely monitored so that customers are able to get assistance even when you are off. In order for this to work, you will need to feel comfortable with handover procedures and trusting others to do your job in your absence.

If there is evidence that you have these skills then customer service can be a very rewarding field to enter. You will have the daily satisfaction of knowing that your contribution really makes a difference to your organisation and you will benefit from a certain level of job security. Though nothing is certain in this climate, you can be sure that customer service jobs will always exist no matter where you live.

Larger cities will generally provide you with more options; for example, the quantity of customer service jobs London can offer will be much greater than those that can be found in less metropolitan areas. All across the country new and established businesses are seeking candidates with the skills to assist their companies to grow. The variety of customer service jobs Manchester offers increases every day while the number of customer service jobs Birmingham has available also continues to rise.

Some smaller areas are also opening customer contact centres that specialise in customer services and this type of business is on the increase. Previously industrial areas, particularly those on the outskirts of larger cities, are attracting companies that provide contact services for other organisations. This type of business is exciting for customer service staff who are looking for new challenges as they may be able to move from contract to contract, always keeping their skills sharp.

So, if you feel that this is the path for you, do your research and look into any training courses available in your area. Alternatively, comb through your CV and see if the required skills can be evidenced from your past experience. If so, simply search your area for available positions and give one of the most rewarding and stable careers available a go.

nike tn Michiel Van Kets writes articles about where you can find the best customer service jobs. For customer service jobs Manchester or customer service jobs London, Jobs in Customer Service is the choice. Search for vacancies closest to you, customer service jobs Birmingham or across the UK.

Resumes For Internships

In the case of internships, both the candidates and the employer have different goals than would be the case for a full-time professional position. Furthermore, employers are likely to use somewhat different selection criteria when choosing interns as opposed to recruiting full-time employees. As you might expect, these differences are reflected in the application process, and a particular style of resume, known as the “internship resume” has gradually developed in this area. Some of the key differences between internships and full-time professional positions include:

– A good candidate’s goal in applying for an internship is not to further their career, but rather to acquire skills and improve their education, so that they later can successfully seek a position in the industry.

– Professional experience is not required for an internship – the whole purpose (from the candidate’s point of view) is to gain experience.

– Academic achievements rather than work experience are one of the key differentiatiors when applying for an internship – and good candidates are able to demonstrate that the desired internship is a logical extension to their studies.

As is the case for any resume, an internship resume should begin with an objective, however there are some important differences in how you should write your objective. The key points to include are:

1. How the desired internship aligns with your studies

2. What you are able to offer the employer

3. What you hope to gain from the experience

4. How you intend to use the skils that you acquire in your future professional career

The purpose of this information is show not only are your committed to and desirous of the internship, but that you are also the best candidate as well as the most deserving, and that you will take maximum advantage of the opportunity. It’s not just about you however – you also want to show what you can bring to the table: employers want interns who will be an asset to their organization during the internship, and who may return to them in future (after completing their studies) as skilled professional employees.

After your objective the next sections are your education, your qualifications, and finally any work experience that you might have. In each case you want to prioritize and list first those things that make you are ideal candidate for the internship. For example, if you have taken particular classes that qualify you for the internship, list those first. Likewise, if you do have some work experience, explain what you have done and how it can help you with the internship – this includes things such as experience in customer service, taking charge of a problem, communication, team work, etc.

References are a very important part of an internship resume. For any previous jobs that you’ve had, you should list your supervisor’s name, title and contact information (be sure to inform the supervisor that you are using their name in this way). Perhaps the strongest support you can get is letters of recommendation from your professors – if you can ask two or three of your professors to write directly to the employer, or give you their recommendations in a sealed envelope, that would be ideal. Your professors probably have a good idea already what to write in these situations, and their recommendations will hopefully point-out not only your academic achievements, but also other skills such as your dedication, enthusiasm, interpersonal commmunication skills and work ethic. Finally, assuming you have good grades, a copy of your transcripts (certified copy of your grades), will bolster your application if attached to your resume.

Once you have prepared your resume, you should carefully proofread it. It is also good to seek a second and professional opinion, so take all the material to your school’s career center – they should be able to offer plenty of useful advice.