How To Get The Most From LinkedIn

If you are like most business people, you have probably been sent an invitation to a site called LinkedIn. Then, if you are like the majority of us, we delete the link thinking, “Oh no not another site that I have to sign-up on.” So, you are probably reading this right now, going yep…that is me. Why should I register on the site, normally sites like that just send me junk and fill my inbox with worthless email?

I can tell you from firsthand experience, there are plenty of sites out there that want you to register and then send you spam 50 times a week. LinkedIn is not one of them. LinkedIn is a powerful networking site, creeping up on popular social networks like MySpace and Facebook. The benefit about LinkedIn is that it is entirely business focused. So, are you interested yet?

What Can LinkedIn Do for Me?

I have been asked the above question more times than I can probably count. My answer to everyone is always, “LinkedIn is a great way to find people. We all go through life never really knowing everything about our work colleagues (sometimes even our friends). LinkedIn has allowed me to read someone’s business history in a single screen. The site also helps me understand who they know and network with.”

Some interesting facts you probably did not know about LinkedIn:

* The average number of LinkedIn connections for people who work at Google is forty-seven.

* The average number for Harvard Business School grads is fifty-eight, so you could skip the MBA, work at Google, and probably get most of the connections you need. Later, you can hire Harvard MBAs to prepare your income taxes.

* People with more than twenty connections are thirty-four times more likely to be approached with a job opportunity than people with less than five.

* All 500 of the Fortune 500 are represented in LinkedIn. In fact, 499 of them are represented by director-level and above employees.(

Top Reasons to Use LinkedIn

1. Building your Reputation. LinkedIn is a great tool for people to outline their experience, accomplishment, organizations and network. Too often I have seen incomplete profiles. A crucial element to get LinkedIn to work for you is to make sure your profile is 100% complete. LinkedIn is also becoming a place where wobb employers find candidates, so if you are job hunting, this may be the place for you.

2. Find Qualified Candidates. Ever struggled looking for an employee? If you are like me, it is a love hate relationship. I want to find the best candidate because it will benefit the company, but weeding through all the applicants can be exhausting. Well, how about using your network to find employees? For my last two positions, I hired individuals that came recommended, yes I said recommended, from my network on LinkedIn. LinkedIn has a great job posting board, which is also very inexpensive. Even if you don’t want to field unknown candidates, you can send out an email to all your connections.

3. Find New Connections. Have you ever felt like sometimes you see the same people at the networking events? Would you like to meet new people? Use LinkedIn and do a search. For example, let’s say I want to meet Architects. I just go to LinkedIn and type in Architects in the search box. LinkedIn will search my contact’s contacts and return the results. The best part is it shows me how I am connected to the person, which can then be used for introductions. I ask Joe Smith to introduce me to his friend the Architect. LinkedIn also provides results of what they call 3rd degree friends. Essentially, your contact has a contact that knows the architect. It seems complicated, but it is a great way to expand your network and your friend’s network. Try a search, see what happens. LinkedIn also has introductions, a tool they offer to give you an introduction to a person you want to meet.

4. Increase your Google Ranking. Ever wondered how people’s names come up so high up on Google searches? I do not have the secret Google formula, but I can tell you a well written LinkedIn profile earns a high rank on the page. The not so lucky are the people with common names, like Joe Smith, but, the more you have information like LinkedIn (or Blog articles), the better your Google ranking.

5. Make your meeting go smoother. I was once introduced to a contact who knew all about me before I ever met him. He even went on to tell me who we knew in common….talk about ice breaker. All he did was search for me on LinkedIn and viola….all my history and information. I have to admit, from a bird’s eye perspective it sounds a bit creepy, but sitting in the meeting it was not. I was actually relieved to have something in common with the person. He, of course, told me he had viewed my LinkedIn profile, which took all the creepiness away. I thought after that meeting, what a great way to learn about someone, search for them on LinkedIn.

6. Ask for or Give Advice. In the question and answer section of LinkedIn, users can post questions and answer questions. For example, if you are a computer hardware expert, you would scroll through and try to answer questions relating to your specialty. What does this do? Well, it builds your credibility as an expert in your field. On the other hand, have a question you want some peer advice on? Ask the LinkedIn users. I have scrolled through the Answers section many times and I am always pleased with the responses I have read, always very professional.

7. Scope out Competition, Customers, Partners. I, like most people, use Google or another search engine to see what information I can find out about my market. The market includes your customers, competitors and partners. LinkedIn is a great tool for research. I especially like it because you can usually see where a person worked previous to their current position. Knowing that information provides a much more in-depth picture about the person or company. Another key advantage is to see what groups your customers or potential customers belong to.

8. Groups. LinkedIn just added a new tool to search groups. The groups range from networking groups to Alumni groups to Company groups. Groups can be a great tool for networking. For instance, I am a member of the Alumni group where I went to college. The group is quite large, but I can search within the group for prospective clients, partners or competitors. I use the group as a common thread when trying to talk to or meet with people. For example, “Joe I see that you are a member of XYZ Alumni group, so am I, what did you study?” There are many different ways to use the groups and their members as leads into conversations. As a plus, when you join a group you can show the group on your profile. The benefit could be others see the group and find they have a common thread with you.

9. Recommendations. LinkedIn has created a system where your contacts can recommend you. I think it is a wonderful tool. Now, when I am searching for a product or service or even a new connection, I can read what other people have to say. I know and you know, we can talk about how great we are till we are blue in the face, but when someone else confirms it……you may have struck gold. Leverage the power of LinkedIn to get recommendations and be sure to give them as well.

10. Help Others. The saying is Give and You Shall Receive. Use LinkedIn to introduce people you think would be a good match. You can easily do introductions to the people with LinkedIn’s inMail. The nice thing about giving a contact more connections on LinkedIn is that no one wants to be the person with the least contacts….so help out a friend and send them a contact or two that makes sense for them. Part of helping others can be helping them use LinkedIn. Most of the people I have met have done very little research on how to use LinkedIn to its full potential.

11. Use it on the go. LinkedIn is configured to be able to use it on your handheld device. While you waiting at the airport, doctor’s office or another waiting area, log into LinkedIn and network from anywhere. Just go to

Your LinkedIn Photo – Projecting The Right Image

It isn’t unusual when working in places such as Conakry, Guinea, or Freetown, Sierra Leone, to have 200 men at a job site waiting and waving, basically just doing anything that they can to get your attention, in hopes, that you’ll provide them with work.

Will Gruver, CEO of an American energy company in Celina, Texas, that specializes in diesel, natural gas, HFO and renewable power station engineering, says that these men will arrive at a job site early in the morning and stay late into the evening.

“They’re looking at all these other men making a living and thinking about how hungry they and their kids are,” Gruver says. “They aren’t told that we might be hiring anybody, but they’re just waiting, hoping and thinking that there just might be a chance to get hired.” And as random as they come, there are some days when these men walk away with work. “Something happens and we need 20 guys and those guys get a job and they stay on.”

Finding employees who are healthy enough to work and have the appropriate skill set is often a problem in impoverished nations. Some of these potential workers may look the part, but health examinations reveal that they aren’t well enough to safely work on the sites.

Gruver says oftentimes the life expectancy in these countries are 40 years or less. “So by the time a guy gets to have any expertise,” he says, “he’s middle-aged at best, and he’s kind of in his sunset years an may be suffering from the last stages of a debilitating disease. Unfortunately in Africa, that’s all too often the case.

But for those who are able to receive a clean bill of health, they often face another challenge — lack of adequate training. Many of the local nationals that show up looking for wobb jobs do have resumes and have worked in the mechanical or electrical field but typically weren’t trained in that role.

“They might know how to use some of the tools successfully, but they wouldn’t know how to make a bead on a weld that a 6g welder would make,” Gruver says. “It’s not just picking up a tool and getting to work because you’ve worked on a car before.”

Since many of these countries have had little heavy construction done, Gruver’s company, which provides diesel generators and power station solutions, takes on the role of training the local nationals over time. “Over a four-year period of time, we’re basically promoting them through the system and giving them more and more opportunities to work in management roles as control room operators, electrical mechanical managers, superintendents and technicians.”

Employees normally move from technicians to managers to supervisors and finally to superintendents. They can be trained in specialty areas such as fire safety, high-voltage connections, boiler operators and 6g welders.

“We try to have a team with a broad range of skill-sets so no matter what happens at the project site,” Gruver continues, “we have one or two absolute experts in that field so we can make sure that we’re addressing those issues. These people are so sweet, and they really want to work. They have a lot of wisdom and a lot of life experience and when you combine that with the desire to succeed”- it’s a winning combination.

The company located in Celina Texas vision is to be the most trusted supplier of fuel-efficient HFO generators, diesel generators, solar energy and renewable energy power stations, services, and products in strategic growth countries. The diesel generator supplier and power station solutions provider mission is to deliver the most cost-effective and efficient power station engineering, procurement services, construction, operations and maintenance solutions in every continent including countries such as Indonesia, Mongolia, Thailand, Vietnam, Turkey, Poland, Lithuania, Mexico and Argentina.

USP&E’s mission is to deliver the most cost-effective and efficient power station engineering, procurement services, construction, operations and maintenance solutions to the world. For more information, go to or call 888-515-USPE.

Learn How To Make More Wobb Jobs By Doing Much Less

Many large game development companies offer video game internships for promising future developers. This can be a great way for students to try out different companies, learn what game development is really like, and get their foot in the door. Many of the larger game companies offer internship opportunities. A quick look at the web sites of the major console makers as well as the major publishers should turn up some opportunities for future interns to apply.


Once you get one of these short term jobs, how can you make the most of it, eventually leading to a job offer?

First off, it’s important to remember that video game internships can be viewed as an extended job interview. Large companies cultivate these programs so that they can test drive potential game developers. There’s nothing like actually seeing how someone works to tell you whether or not they would be a good person to put on your payroll.

Because of this chance the large companies are giving you, you need to make sure that you put forth your best effort. This is your chance, your big break, to get into the games industry! Don’t blow it by slacking off now. Even more than your GPA, your classes, or wobb (use here) your resume, if you’ve already gotten into one of these video game internships, then how well you work with and contribute to your team is paramount to whether or not they’ll end up hiring you. So work hard! Take initiative. Look for ways to go above and beyond your duties, and be aggressive in your contribution.

If you did a great job and contributed to the team just as a normal full-time employee, then you will have a good shot at receiving a job offer at the conclusion of your internship. Or, at the very least, the company will be much more open to hiring you at a later date than they would any other unknown applicant!

Another good aspect of getting video game internships is the networking opportunity they present. Even if you don’t end up getting a job with the company that you interned with, you can still keep lots of doors open in the future via the people you met on your job. These coworkers, even though they may have only been with you for a few months, had a chance to really get to know you, to see how hard you work, and to know your passion for game development. These aren’t things that someone is likely to forget. Odds are that at the mention of your name they will remember how good of a worker you are for years after the internship.

For these reasons, it’s important to leave your internship on a good note, and to be sure to keep in touch with former coworkers from an internship. This is as easy as writing a thank you card or an email when you leave, and then shooting them an email every once in a while after you leave the internship. Just asking how things are going, if the project is still going well, and so on, can really help keep those connections alive.

Who knows? Your contacts might be begging for your return and may be able to get you hired, or they may go to another company who needs more people and bring you with them. Having friends in the games industry is never a bad thing, and developing them from your video game internships is a great place to start.

Linkedin Is Pure Garbage : Unpopularopinion

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — President Trump is set to host Brazil’s president for dinner at his Florida estate where the conversation is expected to include the conflict in Venezuela and a possible trade deal, an administration official said.

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blackhawks Tuesday, 03/03/20 06:19:12 PM

Re: Joecanada13 post# 155960 0

Post # of 156599

The myth of the manufacturing jobs renaissance

By Kate Trafecante, CNN Business

Updated 3:12 PM ET, Sun February 9, 2020

New York (CNN Business) — US manufacturing jobs have disappeared. They won’t be coming back.

The Trump administration wants voters to believe in a US manufacturing renaissance — proof of economic success as America barrels toward election day.

President Trump in his State of the Union address Tuesday once again took credit for “restoring our Nation’s manufacturing,” claiming that the United States “has gained 12,000 new factories under my administration, with thousands upon thousands of plants and factories being planned or built. We have created over half a million new manufacturing jobs.”

Cursi, incontro sul progetto \Those numbers are largely accurate, and US factory activity expanded in January. But the manufacturing industry is hemorrhaging jobs, losing more than 4 million over the past twenty years. The problem is growth is concentrated in a few outlier industries — pharmaceuticals, computers, semiconductors — that boost output while employing only a fraction of the workers in traditional factories.

Those jobs aren’t coming back

Despite the White House’s promises, nothing will restore a 1960s-style mass employment on the assembly lines. The new manufacturing reality is an industry of specialized high-tech work that requires less manpower, or lower paid, non-union jobs.

The jobs growth Trump cites is coming from emerging US industries — such as American shale — or were sparked by a post-recession shopping-spree for items already produced domestically, like cars.

Other industries are hurting.

“Most companies are in wait and see mode,” says Sree Ramaswamy, linkedin partner at McKinsey & Company, citing a decade old economic expansion and slowing global growth. And with tariff costs and uncertain demand, “most companies are not in a hurry to open a new factory or add a new product line.”

Decades of decline

The manufacturing industry has been in a steady decline for the past two decades. A strong US dollar in the late 1990s made foreign goods cheaper just as costs rose, demand dried up and trade deals opened up global competition. Domestic manufacturing firms cut costs, and that often meant finding cheap labor overseas.

That’s when, according to Susan Houseman, Director of Research at Upjohn Institute, manufacturing jobs fell off a cliff.

“Before the early 2000s, any decline always bounced back,” Houseman said. “This is the first time it kept going down.”

Even with the Trump administration’s tariffs and heated rhetoric, that trend is not course-correcting, says Robert Scott, director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Research at the Economic Policy Institute.

“Frankly, Trump is bad for manufacturing. Since he took office, the deficit in goods is up 15%,” according to Scott. A trade deficit occurs when a country buys more products then it sells.

Scott says that Trump’s trade deals — the USMCA and the “phase one” deal with China — fail to address the structural issues that fix long-term trade imbalances, and therefore, help workers.

“His policies haven’t helped change anything — they keep the status quo.”

Where new jobs are coming from

Most of the half-million new manufacturing jobs over the past three years are in the Sun Belt or around Silicon Valley. Meanwhile job losses in the Rust Belt are accelerating. That could be key to the 2020 race.

Trump won Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin in 2016, promising working-class voters he would revive US manufacturing. But all four states have lost more than 16,000 factory jobs in the past year alone.

And many new production jobs are non-union with lower pay, according to Pew Research. That translates to the loss of good wages for Americans without a college degree, the majority of which voted Trump into office.

In 2019, production workers earned 20% below the national average, a UC Berkeley study found. A third of manufacturing employees rely on food stamps or other federal assistance programs to make ends meet.

“Trump told people that he understood their pain, promising to do something different about it,” Scott says. “He has done something different, but it hasn’t worked.”

Is there any hope?

Despite the doom and gloom, continued erosion of the industry is not a foregone conclusion, says Ramaswamy. There are changes the United States can make, but it means revitalizing what has been neglected for two decades, and understanding that the manufacturing workforce of the future looks different from that of the past.

Companies need to spend on new technology and training programs for workers. The United States should invest in infrastructure, and introduce policies to ensure countries like China don’t devalue their currency.

How To Add Administrators To Groups And Business Profiles On LinkedIn And Facebook

LinkedIn is the social network for business, it’s a great way to make and foster your business connections, it’s also a great way to connect your business to people and people to your business.


Before you can start fully using LinkedIn for business and as a business, let’s get your personal profile squared away – the only thing worse than not having a LinkedIn profile is having one that’s incomplete.

We’re assuming that you have a LinkedIn profile of some sort, in some condition, and we’re going to spruce it up and max it out – if you don’t have an account yet, go to LinkedIn dot com and create one real quick.

7 Easy Steps to Optimize your profile on LinkedIn

(Start by clicking the “Profile” tab at the top, pull down the menu and click “Edit Profile”)

1 – Who are you? Include your full name and upload a professional picture. People will be looking at LinkedIn when they are looking to do business with you, so look like a business – profiles without a photo look like spam or inactive accounts and are generally ignored.

2 – Personalize your headline. The default here is your current title but you can easily change it to something more descriptive of your skills or identity – and you should. Click “edit” next to your name and that will bring up the “basic information” page where you can edit your headline.

3 – Add your work history. Go to the “experience” section and at the very least, add your most recent positions. Click “add a position”, this will open up a new page where you can add the relevant information about that job. If your company appears in the drop down menu, click on it, that way you’ll be grouped with fellow employees under company searches – it makes it easier to connect with past co-workers as well. Don’t list every position you held at a company, it chops up your profile. If you were at a company for five years held several positions, list the five years and in the description section list your skills and responsibilities, this emphasises your longevity and growth. To add details to a position you’ve already listed, simply click “edit” next to that job.

4 – Customize your LinkedIn URL. Replace the default LinkedIn URL – which is just a string of numbers – with a personalized one. Go to “Edit Profile”, and at the bottom of the main box click “edit” next to “Public Profile” this will bring up a new screen, on the lower right side of the screen under “Your Public Profile URL” click “customize” then just follow the prompt.

5 – Customize Your Website URLs. This tweak makes a subtle yet important improvement to your profile. Instead of leaving the generic “company website” or “blog”, click the “Edit” next to “additional information”, in the drop down menu for types of website choose “other” and change the default title to best suit your needs. You can link to various sites or various pages within your main site.

6 – Get Recommended. Nothing speaks louder and better about you than the words of others. You can ask for recommendations with the link next to the position. Don’t randomly ask everyone, be specific and reasoned and thoughtful… and wobb companies customize the note, even making suggestions if appropriate. Remember, the best way to get a recommendation is to give one… and then ask for one back (that probably won’t be necessary because most people will have the good manners to reciprocate).

7 – Grow your Network. You’re profile is looking good – now you’re putting your best foot forward – your best digital, virtual foot forward. Now it’s time to connect with some people – go to the upper right, click on “People”, drag down to “Groups” and type in the keyword or words on your industry and interest and join a couple. Don’t be shy about reaching out and connecting with businesses, groups or people – that’s what LinkedIn is all about. Build your network and prosper, but don’t be spammy or random about it, it’s not a numbers game. You’re building your professional network, do it judiciously, personally and with intent – then you will build a most valuable and engaged network, people and businesses that you are interested in and businesses and people that are interested in you!

The Entire Process Of Linkedin Partner

Your property is getting old and need repairs, which is not only very troublesome but also a very expensive task to accomplish. Delaying can have very dreadful affects on the safety of the residents along with various health problems which might occur otherwise if the renovation procedure does not start on a timely basis.

Damages can ruin your furniture and appliances. Postponing it for long can leave a dent on your finances. Choosing the right kind of roofing material is crucial in keeping your family and property protected. Roofing in Jacksonville is one name you can trust for quality services.

Inadequate roofing materials can cause leaks and seepages which can aggravate mould problems, and this could have harmful effects on people who are sensitive to mould exposure. Roofing are mainly available in two major types slate or metal roofs. Metal and slate materials are reliable and long lasting roofing options provided you choose the efficient roof service provider to install them. Roofing in Jacksonville can help you in drawing the difference between the two and the best which suits your home and budget.

Although both are good and linkedin partner [] durable and has their own benefits attached to it.

For a layman all these specification about the roofing can be taxing without the complete knowledge of the product, you might just lose out on your money and get the job inadequately done. Roofing in Jacksonville has undertaken some assignments where the metal roofing was lightweight and required very little maintenance over the years, plus some of them come with lifetime warranty also.

Metal roofs are available in a wide variety of styles and designs. Metal can even imitate the look of asphalt and tile. Primarily used in commercial buildings, metal roofs have gained immense popularity in some Florida homes because these materials are fire-resistant.

The other option available is that of slate roofing giving your home a distinctive look due to its eye-capturing beauty. Roofing in Jacksonville team has taken up many assignments for these kind of roofing and have enjoyed giving it a different look each time. Home owners opt for these more than the metal roofing because these are relatively inexpensive. Slate roofs also require very little maintenance work. The installation is also relatively low-cost because as a pro-active service provider they carry the latest in slate roofing, which eliminates expensive modifications needed for traditional slate materials.

Roofing in Jacksonville is reliable, fast and insured roofing maintenance service provider.

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Truck Driving Jobs- Scope And Benefit

Heavy equipments are part of most big engineering projects. They are complex machineries that are constructed to increase productivity and thereby improve the efficiency rate. For work that extends for a smaller time, the people can choose hiring rather than buying or purchasing them from a dealer. These kinds of equipments are designed to transport mortar to different locations especially where the conventional transportation is difficult to reach. This may sound to be bit more expensive than the traditional transportation, these are crucial to most construction sites. They are useful in a variety of situations.

Apple: la casa di Steve Jobs dichiarata patrimonio storico dello Stato ...

To make the appropriate choice in the hiring process, it is important to select the correct company that would be renting the machine. The hiring process can be overwhelming and it is important to know what kind of these machines are suited to the requirement. This is a specialized area that sees improvisation. Avant garde technology is used in manufacturing these machines so that the manufacturers can guarantee their reliability. This is the reason that people using these machines need to be thoroughly experienced and trained to operate them. These are expensive and this is the reason that only proficient people should be hired to do the job.


Thanks to these manufacturing companies, construction jobs are much easier and much faster. Since these machines are reliable, they have been completed in time and with no accidents. This is the reason that appropriate equipments should be hired.

Basic use of these pumps

These kinds of machines transfers mortar and cement to places that are difficult to reach like those situated in great heights. With skyscrapers becoming the norm of most cities, the equipment enables to send the mix material to any height without the need of use of wet carts and lifts.

The nature of the construction site decides the type of machine that would be used. Like in certain places, one would need the mixer that could be lifted with the help of crane. These can then be placed in certain locations. For the smaller projects, one can just choose the concrete pumps that also act as sealing machines. The contractors can use this that would focus on the small jobs.

There is other kind of jobs that requires the use of these machines. Like the concrete floor finishes, in paving, driveway, and wobb employers other places that would require these machines. Choosing these equipments depends on the duration of work, the type of work required for the project and other factors. One of the important things to remember is that when hiring such big equipments, it would save from maintenance charges. Maintenance and repair of the machine is the responsibility of the professionals who would be using these machines at the site.

Forcetech is one of the companies that help in providing heavy machineries. However, it is important to do a little check on the various organizations. All these heavy machinery needs to be checked. It is also important to know the variety of the job so that the appropriate machine can be hired or bought. This would also help in eliminating excess expenses.

The Benefits Of Japan Internships

Do you share content on LinkedIn? Wondering how to publish LinkedIn content that gets more clicks and engagement?

In this article, you’ll discover how to develop and share LinkedIn posts people click on.

Content That Works on LinkedIn

People want to know you—your passions, your sense of humor, and what makes you someone worth paying attention to. You have valuable stories to share. You know things, which is why you’re doing the work you’re doing. Sharing your knowledge, expertise, and experience on LinkedIn can help other people achieve their dreams.

With access to so many people on social platforms, we often get lost in the idea that we have to appeal to a lot of people or even everyone. The best results come when we’re true to ourselves, leading other people to find us for what makes us unique and interesting.

You want to develop content for LinkedIn that will appeal to an important group of 500-1,000 people who can make a difference in your business. Don’t focus on virality because viral content is either lightning in a bottle that’s hard to duplicate or something that gets a lot of marketing push. The volume of quality content over time is the game you can control.

Keep in mind that LinkedIn loves to see two things happen: clicking on a post and staying on the platform. So the core approach is to create content that keeps people clicking inside LinkedIn.

#1: Research Engaging Content Ideas for LinkedIn

Before you create content for LinkedIn, you need to find topics that will engage your audience on the platform. Here are three sites that can help you gauge interest.

Vet Topics With Quora

For content you plan to post on LinkedIn, vet your topics on Quora. This means go to Quora and answer questions that users have posted. When you find a piece of content you like on Quora, you might consider expanding it for a longer-form post on LinkedIn. Pay attention to the questions that come up repeatedly on Quora and aggregate them into LinkedIn posts.

Contribute to HARO

HARO (Help a Reporter Out) is an online sourcing service for journalists. They use the site to seek sources on topics they’re writing about. It’s also a great resource if you want the opportunity to get your expert insights picked up by journalists.

When you sign up for the site (for free), you’ll receive daily emails with links to articles that reporters are looking for people to contribute to, as shown in the example below. You can then submit responses to their questions, and if your answers aren’t picked up for an article, use those comments as LinkedIn posts.

Answer Questions on Reddit

I’m in subreddits that are relevant to my digital advertising business, and I submit comments on posts that I can expertly speak to. As with Quora, the best of these comments turn into LinkedIn posts.

The benefit of contributing to Reddit in this way is you get a sense of the topics on which you have expert knowledge that other people are looking for. The marketplace defines what users like and don’t like, and you have a way of vetting the best content for LinkedIn.

#2: Publish Longer LinkedIn Posts to Activate the See More Feature

This tactic is straightforward: Write longer posts with no links outside of LinkedIn and no images of any kind. The key is to get the See More link to appear at the bottom of your post, encouraging people to read your entire piece. This counts as a click, which tells LinkedIn your content is engaging.

LinkedIn posts can be about 1,300 characters, or 170 words, which is more than enough space to write a full story, share facts, and define supporting examples for your network to read.

#3: Post 6+ Photos at Once

This is the visual version of See More, where your LinkedIn post shows five photos and a “+1,” “+2,” and so on for more photos to be seen if the user clicks. Each click gives LinkedIn more feedback that your post is engaging and pushes the post to more people.

Here are some ways you could use this feature:

– Share photos from an industry party and tag the people you met as a follow-up to your brief interactions, recreating that sense of togetherness.

– Post six images that tell a full story, where you pair images and short quotes.

– Highlight six brands that are having an impact on your life right now.

#4: Share Valuable PDFs on LinkedIn

It’s possible to post PDFs to LinkedIn from the desktop. At first glance, uploading PDFs to LinkedIn may not sound interesting but I think it’s currently one of the best-kept LinkedIn secrets. PDFs are click-generating goldmines because each page gives the user a fresh piece of content to click on.

PDFs are often dry, with small fonts, lots of text, and the potential for a snooze-fest, but you can do much more with them. Try creating PDFs that are visually appealing square canvases with combinations of big bold text, colors, and designed shapes to make the message simple.

This easy-to-consume content is a new way to communicate in a professional environment. Combine a strong central point and supporting facts with decent design elements and easy-to-read text.

Here are some ways to use LinkedIn document sharing:

– Tell an informative story with images and text. If you have five bullet points you want to share, each bullet can be a slide, along with an intro slide, a thank-you slide, and two to three supporting slides scattered throughout.

– Distill podcast knowledge into 10 slides containing the top quotes from the episode.

– Share insights and trends for the upcoming year in your industry.

– Share five industry facts from new research, one in each slide.

#5: Play to the LinkedIn Algorithm

Regardless of the type of content you post on LinkedIn, following these practices can help you get better visibility for that content:

Aim for volume with the minimum level of quality. You know what the minimum level of quality is for you so make sure that every post achieves that threshold. Publish volumes of content and LinkedIn will push your content to the people most likely to benefit from it.

People who likely aren’t interested won’t see your content. If you post 100 times a day on LinkedIn, you won’t alienate your audience because doing so would hurt LinkedIn, and LinkedIn won’t position your content to fail that way. If your posts start reaching fewer people, that’s a sign you need to switch something up.

Keep people on LinkedIn. While not a hard-and-fast rule (linking out is fine occasionally), wobb jobseekers do your best to keep your content on LinkedIn. Don’t link out on your posts. Upload videos directly to LinkedIn if they’re shorter than 10 minutes, rather than linking to YouTube.

Use up to three hashtags on LinkedIn to get discovered in relevant content channels. The more relevant your content, the more likely people browsing that channel will engage with your content and share it with a larger audience. Make sure you choose hashtags that are relevant to your post.

Engage with your commenters quickly and often. The more engagement, the better your exposure, not to mention the engagement level of your business prospects.

The Fundamental Importance Of Jobs In Society

There is no dearth of people trying their hardest to get into law colleges and the bigger ones at that in a desperate attempt to fast track their careers in law. It is true that getting in at a bigger law college will obviously be more beneficial in the long run, not only for the name that the college possesses but also for the fact that a bigger college will attract the bigger names when it comes to placement.

Airbus e Boeing parlano piacentino: commessa storica per JobsA very common concept of law colleges is to make students apply for legal internships. The procedure is simple. You fill in an application, you are interviewed and if you are chosen, you intern. Now the thing about legal internships is that they are all about getting a taste of the legal industry and what it expects from you. It is all the same whether it is a corporate legal internship or anything else. The important thing is once you are in you should not make mistakes at the workplaces. Some mistakes can ruin your chances of taking advantage of the internship altogether. Here are the top ten mistakes that legal interns make.

1. Getting into the wrong firm: There are those who do their internships from any firm that will have them. This can be a big problem for them as they must spend time understanding the requirements of each firm and jobs ( the job profile of the position of intern as they may differ from firm to firm.

2. Inefficiency: Once most interns get an internship they don’t generally work hard enough. Those who do get fantastic letters of recommendation from the firm and those who don’t get anything.

3. Lack of Persistence: Legal aid internships are all about patience and persistence. Some people just give up on a job half way and say it’s impossible. Such attitude will either not get you an internship or it will just cause you to lose out to others who are persistent.

4. Ego: You must keep your ego in your pocket and work well and listen to orders if you must succeed at a firm.

5. Letting go of chances abroad: legal internships abroad are something you must never let go off unless you have no choice. They are paid legal internships and augur better for your resume.

6. Working and Neglecting education: You are nowhere without good grades. You cannot let one suffer to care for the other. It is essential that you keep your scores high.

7. Not socializing: Law is as much about contacts as it is about skill. If you do not socialize in the social circle of the firm you work for, you stand to lose out on a lot.

8. Overworking: Don’t burn yourself out. Work hard but don’t go over the top to impress anyone. It may backfire.

9. Preferring Money over experience: Many of the better companies will hardly pay you high but offer you better experience instead. We should prefer them to higher wage, low on reputation firms.

10. Not keeping in touch with bosses after internship period: It is highly essential you do.