Sure The Jobs All Left

LinkedIn is a professional social networking website, meaning that you use this website to connect with current and former colleagues, classmates, and organizations. For an individual using LinkedIn is a great way to look for a new job or business opportunity. You can also use LinkedIn to gather information from industry experts. For an organization LinkedIn is not only a free way to advertise your services but a useful tool in recruiting new employees or collaborators as well.

An example of how to successfully use LinkedIn…

Meet Scott McKeen. Scott was laid off from his job as a field service engineer during the deepest part of the recession and he was one of many who could not seem to find another job in his profession. As a field service engineer his job entailed going into other technology companies to install and repair equipment. He used LinkedIn to keep in touch with colleagues and with many key people inside the organizations he routinely did work for. After months of being unemployed, he noticed that many of his counterparts in other regions of the country who had also been laid off were starting their own businesses. Not finding any employment opportunities on the horizon he decided to follow suit. He used LinkedIn to contact the colleagues who had already gone through the process of starting their own business to get a better understanding of what needed to be done. Once Scott got McKeen Services and Consulting up and running, he then used some of his LinkedIn connections inside the organizations he had worked for to get the word out about his new business.

Once you’re on LinkedIn make sure to…

Complete Your Profile and Keep It Up To Date: LinkedIn is a way to establish your professional profile online. Not completing or updating your LinkedIn account is a lot like putting out an unfinished resume. As a business owner or recruiter it’s even more important. Make sure to include any and all relevant information about yourself or your business to make sure to get the most out of this valuable resource.

Add Links To Your Website: One of the great things about LinkedIn is the fact that search engines like Google will index the profile you create. Adding links to your website will not only create another way for people to find you or your business, it will increase your website’s page rank as well. This could help move your website closer to the top of search results. Make sure to be descriptive with these links by adding important keywords that accurately describe what it is that you do.

Make Connections: LinkedIn works hard to prevent spam and maintain a trusted network by only allowing members to make initial connections with people they already know. To make a direct connection with someone, you need to say how you know this person by either selecting “friend” or by providing either an email address, the name of a business you both worked for or the school you both attended. If you try to make a connection with someone who claims not to know you, LinkedIn will penalize you by making you enter an email address for every connection request.

The first place you will want to start is with your email address book. Once you are logged in to your LinkedIn account, you can do this by clicking on the Add Connections link in the upper right-hand corner of the page. If you have a Yahoo, Gmail, AOL or Hotmail account, you can simply import your address book in a few easy steps. If not you can manually add in email addresses. It will automatically send a connection request to anyone on that list who is already a LinkedIn member. People who are not already on LinkedIn will receive an email asking them to join you.

Although LinkedIn discourages you from making direct connections with strangers, it is possible to meet new people. You do this by getting in touch with your 2nd and 3rd degree connections. 2nd degree connections are people your connections are connected with and 3rd degree connections are the people your 2nd degree connections are connected with. To make new connections this way, go to Connections My Connections. Select one of your connections then click on the number indicating how many connections the have. It will bring up a list of all their connections. To make a new connection from this list rollover the person’s name then click Get Introduced. When you do this, it’s a good idea to write them a personable message introducing yourself and letting them know why you would make a good connection.

Join or Create Groups: Like many other social networking websites LinkedIn offers the ability to join and create networking groups. By joining a group you have access to news and job postings within the group. You can also participate in discussions with other members. This could be another good way to make more connections. You may also want to start your own networking group. This might create an opportunity to be seen as an authority in your field of expertise.

Post Job Opportunities Due to the vast amount of job seekers in the market right now, posting an opening on a big job website like can result in an overwhelming amount of applicants, many of which may not even be qualified for the job. You may find that using LinkedIn can be a better option. You can post a job on LinkedIn by selecting Jobs then Post A Job, though this service does come at a cost. If you don’t want to pay the money or you want to be a bit more selective, there are ways for you to use your network of connections to find job applicants. One way is to ask for referrals. Someone you are connected to may know the perfect person for the position. You also may be in touch with former colleagues who also make a good fit. Additionally, LinkedIn allows you to look for people with specific qualifications through a keyword search. From there you could put together a list of possible candidates.

Promoting Your LinkedIn Account: First, make sure to add as many connections as you can to increase your visibility. Then create a link to your LinkedIn account from your website. You can promote your LinkedIn account the same way you might promote your website by adding the link to your business cards, email signature and other business materials.

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Effetto 'Jobs Act': crollo record delle assunzioni stabili, a dicembre ...The entrepreneurial spirit is strong in the world today, influencing more people than ever to reject the traditional workforce and instead that control of their own careers and their own lives by staring their own businesses. These can be highly profitable endeavors, but only if the customers come. Using the resources of social networking site LinkedIn, you can generate leads quickly which can result in tremendous sales and income.

Benefits of Making Money Using LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social networking site that allows you to reach a wide audience easily which means opportunity for building a large customer base.

– This site goes beyond simple advertising to creating a relationship with potential customers. You can post updates, provide offers, and give sneak-peeks only available to your LinkedIn connects.

– Maintaining a profile gives your business a human element, which appeals to potential customers by making them feel like you are a real person rather than just a faceless industry.

LinkedIn also allows you to connect with other professionals which gives you the ability to network, learn and cooperate. This site is a great breeding ground for merges and partnerships.

– Group discussions on LinkedIn give you the opportunity to “listen” to your potential customer base and modify your business so that it is at its highest money-making condition.

– Just as the internet grows, so does the number of people using it. This brings new people onto LinkedIn daily so the pool of potential customers never dries up.

Start-up Costs

As LinkedIn is not really a business in of itself, it doesn’t really incur start up costs independent to it, wobb companies (learn more about My Wobbjobs) but there are some things that you will require in order to do business online with the customers generated through LinkedIn.

– A computer gives you access to the internet, your e-commerce or advertising site and LinkedIn itself. Though it doesn’t have to be one, a laptop provides the greatest flexibility and mobility.

– A home office can be extremely helpful in organizing and focusing. This doesn’t have to be any more than a place to put your computer and a few filing and note-taking materials.

– Maintaining a professional-looking website is arguably the best way to gain success with a small business. A strong web presence makes people aware of you and gives them access to the products and services you offer.

Earning Potential


LinkedIn by itself does not actually earn you money, but through its channels you are given the opportunity to generate substantial revenue.

LinkedIn is a networking site for professionals. This allows you to not only advertise your services and products, but learn from others in your field.

– Building a strong customer base is essential for the success of any online business. LinkedIn can create this base through direct readership but also through the buzz generated among other members that translates into their everyday interactions and conversations.

– By branching out and connecting with others on LinkedIn, you bring awareness of yourself to people looking at their profiles, and also create relationships that can become cooperative and mutually beneficial.

– Group discussions give you opportunity to promote yourself, but also to generate more awareness of your business. The more involved you are on this site, the more legitimate others tend to perceive you.

Social networking is becoming an integral part of our everyday lives. It seems more of our “friends” and associates are the virtual version rather than the ones with whom we engage in actual, face-to-face contact. This can be used to your advantage, though, when trying to promote a small business. Using LinkedIn, you have the opportunity to grow you customer base, generate buzz, and increase your income substantially.

What Kinds Of Jobs Can Be Outsourced?

Roustabout jobs are the entry-level jobs on oil rigs. On most oil rigs, you work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for 2 to 3 weeks at a stretch. Working as a roustabout is back-breaking and dirty – you do everything from cleaning and painting the oil rig to mixing the drilling mud and even moving supplies and equipment around the oil rig. On the other hand, practically everyone who matters on board the oil rig starts out as a roustabout, so you have no right to complain.

For English-speaking workers, there are three main places which hire people for roustabout jobs – Canada, US and linkedin –, UK. Alberta in Canada is still short of people, so it is easiest to get hired there. As long as you are tough enough and show the right attitude, many companies will be willing to pay for any courses or certifications which are required.

At the moment, it is also fairly easy to get offshore roustabout jobs in the US, especially in the Gulf Coast region. In some places, it is as simple as showing up at the temp agency. As in Canada, many companies badly need workers and are willing to pay for any training and certifications required. As a rough guide, your employer will send you to get your in offshore medical certificate, offshore survival certificate and helicopter underwater escape training certificate before you even set foot on the oil rig. After that will probably be a 2 or 3 week course induction course on your duties aboard the oil rig.

UK residents have it tougher. Most employers want you to show your BOSIET offshore survival training certificate, offshore medical certificate, and what the Brits call a GreenHand course. All told, taking getting all of these could set you back 3500 pounds, depending on where you take these course, and there is no guarantee of a job. The offshore scene there is surprisingly small – you really need to know the right people. Most of the jobs are off Aberdeen, so if you live elsewhere you really do not have a chance at all. For new hires without connections, the ex-armed forces personnel find it easiest to break in. British servicemen have a kind of skills conversion course which helps them get offshore oil jobs. Frankly, UK residents who want to break into the oil industry are better off looking for jobs in Alberta or the US Gulf Coast states.

When you apply for roustabout jobs, remember to highlight work experience which involves manual work and mechanical work. If you have any survival training or something like the BOSIET or HUET certificates, highlight these as well. Remember that roustabouts do a lot of manual labor, so do NOT brag about your university degree or some other highly technical skill – the employer may reject you for being over-qualified. Some companies now want you to prove that you have completed your high school education. Regardless of who you work for, there will be frequent drug-testing, especially if any accidents happen.