Just Politics: The Myth Of The Manufacturing Jobs Renaissance

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blackhawks Tuesday, 03/03/20 06:19:12 PM

Re: Joecanada13 post# 155960 0

Post # of 156599

The myth of the manufacturing jobs renaissance

By Kate Trafecante, CNN Business


Updated 3:12 PM ET, Sun February 9, 2020

New York (CNN Business) — US manufacturing jobs have disappeared. They won’t be coming back.

The Trump administration wants voters to believe in a US manufacturing renaissance — proof of economic success as America barrels toward election day.

President Trump in his State of the Union address Tuesday once again took credit for “restoring our Nation’s manufacturing,” claiming that the United States “has gained 12,000 new factories under my administration, with thousands upon thousands of plants and factories being planned or built. We have created over half a million new manufacturing jobs.”

∑点虫虫≯的个人主页_花瓣网-o3xqwobbww-陪你做生活Those numbers are largely accurate, and US factory activity expanded in January. But the manufacturing industry is hemorrhaging jobs, losing more than 4 million over the past twenty years. The problem is growth is concentrated in a few outlier industries — pharmaceuticals, computers, semiconductors — that boost output while employing only a fraction of the workers in traditional factories.

Those jobs aren’t coming back

Despite the White House’s promises, nothing will restore a 1960s-style mass employment on the assembly lines. The new manufacturing reality is an industry of specialized high-tech work that requires less manpower, or lower paid, non-union jobs.

The jobs growth Trump cites is coming from emerging US industries — such as American shale — or were sparked by a post-recession shopping-spree for items already produced domestically, like cars.

Other industries are hurting.

“Most companies are in wait and see mode,” says Sree Ramaswamy, linkedin partner at McKinsey & Company, citing a decade old economic expansion and slowing global growth. And with tariff costs and uncertain demand, “most companies are not in a hurry to open a new factory or add a new product line.”

Decades of decline

The manufacturing industry has been in a steady decline for the past two decades. A strong US dollar in the late 1990s made foreign goods cheaper just as costs rose, demand dried up and trade deals opened up global competition. Domestic manufacturing firms cut costs, and that often meant finding cheap labor overseas.

That’s when, according to Susan Houseman, Director of Research at Upjohn Institute, manufacturing jobs fell off a cliff.

“Before the early 2000s, any decline always bounced back,” Houseman said. “This is the first time it kept going down.”

Even with the Trump administration’s tariffs and heated rhetoric, that trend is not course-correcting, says Robert Scott, director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Research at the Economic Policy Institute.

“Frankly, Trump is bad for manufacturing. Since he took office, the deficit in goods is up 15%,” according to Scott. A trade deficit occurs when a country buys more products then it sells.

Scott says that Trump’s trade deals — the USMCA and the “phase one” deal with China — fail to address the structural issues that fix long-term trade imbalances, and therefore, help workers.

“His policies haven’t helped change anything — they keep the status quo.”

Where new jobs are coming from

Most of the half-million new manufacturing jobs over the past three years are in the Sun Belt or around Silicon Valley. Meanwhile job losses in the Rust Belt are accelerating. That could be key to the 2020 race.

Trump won Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin in 2016, promising working-class voters he would revive US manufacturing. But all four states have lost more than 16,000 factory jobs in the past year alone.

And many new production jobs are non-union with lower pay, according to Pew Research. That translates to the loss of good wages for Americans without a college degree, the majority of which voted Trump into office.

In 2019, production workers earned 20% below the national average, a UC Berkeley study found. A third of manufacturing employees rely on food stamps or other federal assistance programs to make ends meet.

“Trump told people that he understood their pain, promising to do something different about it,” Scott says. “He has done something different, but it hasn’t worked.”

Is there any hope?

Despite the doom and gloom, continued erosion of the industry is not a foregone conclusion, says Ramaswamy. There are changes the United States can make, but it means revitalizing what has been neglected for two decades, and understanding that the manufacturing workforce of the future looks different from that of the past.

Companies need to spend on new technology and training programs for workers. The United States should invest in infrastructure, and introduce policies to ensure countries like China don’t devalue their currency.

Resumes For Internships

In the case of internships, both the candidates and the employer have different goals than would be the case for a full-time professional position. Furthermore, employers are likely to use somewhat different selection criteria when choosing interns as opposed to recruiting full-time employees. As you might expect, these differences are reflected in the application process, and a particular style of resume, known as the “internship resume” has gradually developed in this area. Some of the key differences between internships and full-time professional positions include:

– A good candidate’s goal in applying for an internship is not to further their career, but rather to acquire skills and improve their education, so that they later can successfully seek a position in the industry.

– Professional experience is not required for an internship – the whole purpose (from the candidate’s point of view) is to gain experience.

– Academic achievements rather than work experience are one of the key differentiatiors when applying for an internship – and good candidates are able to demonstrate that the desired internship is a logical extension to their studies.

As is the case for any resume, an internship resume should begin with an objective, however there are some important differences in how you should write your objective. The key points to include are:

1. How the desired internship aligns with your studies

2. What you are able to offer the employer

3. What you hope to gain from the experience

4. How you intend to use the skils that you acquire in your future professional career

The purpose of this information is show not only are your committed to and desirous of the internship, but that you are also the best candidate as well as the most deserving, and that you will take maximum advantage of the opportunity. It’s not just about you however – you also want to show what you can bring to the table: employers want interns who will be an asset to their organization during the internship, and who may return to them in future (after completing their studies) as skilled professional employees.

After your objective the next sections are your education, your qualifications, and finally any work experience that you might have. In each case you want to prioritize and list first those things that make you are ideal candidate for the internship. For example, if you have taken particular classes that qualify you for the internship, list those first. Likewise, if you do have some work experience, explain what you have done and how it can help you with the internship – this includes things such as experience in customer service, taking charge of a problem, communication, team work, etc.

References are a very important part of an internship resume. For any previous jobs that you’ve had, you should list your supervisor’s name, title and contact information (be sure to inform the supervisor that you are using their name in this way). Perhaps the strongest support you can get is letters of recommendation from your professors – if you can ask two or three of your professors to write directly to the employer, or give you their recommendations in a sealed envelope, that would be ideal. Your professors probably have a good idea already what to write in these situations, and their recommendations will hopefully point-out not only your academic achievements, but also other skills such as your dedication, enthusiasm, interpersonal commmunication skills and work ethic. Finally, assuming you have good grades, a copy of your transcripts (certified copy of your grades), will bolster your application if attached to your resume.

Once you have prepared your resume, you should carefully proofread it. It is also good to seek a second and professional opinion, so take all the material to your school’s career center – they should be able to offer plenty of useful advice.