6 Stunning Examples Of Beautiful Internships

LinkedIn without doubt has risen to the top networking business site for wobb Internships making the fastest lead connections. Now LinkedIn has its business networking social connections taken to a new level by implementing proven sales lead training and workshops. LinkedIn plus training means profitable sales to business connections with more quality networking leads than you can handle. See how it works.

When I first heard the terms social networks, and business networking connections I had the wrong impression. How could a business sales person develop selling opportunities on a site full of teenagers plastering pictures and latest personal social comments? Obviously, I had a lot to learn. Besides MySpace, the large social networking sites of Twitter, and Face Book seemed hard to make viable business connections. On these sites developing sales leads were not a profitable way of spending time.

I searched and found LinkedIn, which appeared to be a potential sales person’s dream possibility. There were groups to join around certain occupations or similar job descriptions. For example, inserting the term “insurance” it shows over 200 groups with at least 100 members connected with various insurance industry positions to review. I could join a business group, and upon acceptance invite people to connect with me, where I saw a possible future lead to a business network sale. Top networking connections built up fast but I was a little lost and confused.

36% of the hundreds of thousands of people with personal biographies on LinkedIn are key business decision makers. I concentrate on these 36% in certain professions, and email enhanced invites to connect with me. A person could respond to a request to connect in one of three ways. The choices are “accept”, “I don’t know this person”, and “archive”. Around one of three of my invites read my bio and personally agrees to make the network connection. After this, I have an email address to freely communicate.

Suddenly my building enterprise halted. I got the dreaded notice from LinkedIn. I could no longer send normal invites out, because a handful of people clicked “I don’t know this person.” Because email addresses are not exposed, I could now only email group members requesting they invite me to connect. The fast lead connections slowed to a less rapid pace.

LinkedIn, upon joining their social business networking site never clearly explains the rules. I am sure hundreds of thousand of other sales professionals are caught in the too easy, too unreasonable trap.

At this point, I happened to make a connection with Lyndle Savage, Sr. the Vice President of business development at Integrated Alliances. Integrated Alliances is responsible for helping individuals like me learn all the advantages of business networking connections before falling into the traps. Looking at the website, I noticed their keywords were fittingly listed as training, workshops, webinars, coaching, consulting, and social networking.

“LinkedIn is for business what MySpace is for socializing,” was one of the comments given to me by Lyndle Savage, Sr. Like me, Mr. Savage agreed that sales people or anyone selling a concept has to understand there are suspects, prospects, and leads. His organization presents how to use this great network to develop top network connection prospects and turn them into business leads fast. This is exactly the type of critical information that I personally could not find while on the networking site.

I knew the great potential, but was stuck. Lyndle suggested I visit the Integrated Alliances website to see for myself how my roadblocks can be removed, and make my network experience rewarding at a faster rate. Lazily I asked him for some quick information. Lyndle said that even most users of LinkedIn with over 1,000 connections do not have a plan for putting this value resource to use. His perspective is that making an effective bio profile and proper networking building is essential. That is the reason his services are experiencing high demand.

Inquiring about the services of Integrated Alliances I found out there were low cost webinars for busy business people. Over a dozen different training courses are presented that include specific sales, marketing, and recruiting profile-building workshops. Also courses, webinars, and workshops are given from a true user perspective.

This perspective is in contrast to what LinkenIn networking initially projects. On the site, you are constantly encouraged to make connections and more connections. You can even send invites to people who went to your college, and you conveniently receive their names. On the other hand, you could be reprimanded by a few invites that do not even know they are hurting you. The “I don’t know curse” was one of the many items I wished I immediately learned.

You could spend years building your social business network, but why should you? Combining all the resources of making desired connections with user perspective training develops your contact leads fast. The top sales leads usually tend to be the ones you develop yourself. Go it alone, or get professional assistance if you consider yourself a professional.

Are All 9-5 Office Jobs Really 9-5?

When it comes to applying for one of the customer service jobs Birmingham offers or one of the customer service jobs Manchester offers, training is everything. Even if you are applying for one of the many customer service jobs London offers, it is vital that you have either the experience or training to succeed in this competitive field.

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In the current climate, a good reputation for customer service is vital to the survival of many businesses. Customers must be at the heart of all businesses if companies wish to remain competitive. Employed to represent the company, ensure customer satisfaction and create loyalty, customer service representatives build the future of any organisation; because of this, being a customer services representative is one of the most flexible jobs you can find.

All companies require people to act as liaisons between themselves and the customers and therefore you can find this type of post almost anywhere.

When it comes to customer service jobs London may have a wider variety of options but the customer service jobs Birmingham offers and the customer service jobs Manchester has available go to prove that it doesn’t matter where you live. Customer service is a growing industry and positions are available across the country to those who have the skill-set required.

Customer service representatives will usually spend their time dealing with customer enquiries. These enquiries can be dealt with in person, over the phone or in writing either by email, fax or letter. As the first point of contact for customers, good communication skills are essential.

Effective and efficient communication is the core skill required in any customer service job and it is important that you are able to communicate well in all situations and mediums. Good listening skills are an integral part of this role as it is vital that customers feel heard when they contact a company.

Organisational skills are also important for anyone looking to enter into the customer service field and this will not change whether you are looking through the customer service jobs Manchester offers or those customer service jobs Birmingham has available.

The ability to quickly access information is vital when it comes to building relationships with your clients and it is these relationships that will help to grow a business. When a client contacts you, it is important that you are able to quickly collate various files and pieces of information in order that you can supply the customer with answers or assistance.

Hand in hand with communication and organisational talents, decision-making skills are also an important requirement for those seeking a career in customer service. Being decisive can often be the difference between quick resolutions that lead to customer satisfaction and poor experiences that lead to complaints.

You must be able to be decisive within the guidelines you are given and feel comfortable with your responsibilities and the authority given to you, taking ownership of issues and working through the best solutions for your customer.

Working within guidelines can often be the most rewarding part of the job. It is satisfying to know that you were able to come up with creative solutions to problems within the guidance set out for you by the organisation.

Most companies have a set of processes and protocols that employees must adhere to in order to satisfy legal, health and safety and idealistic requirements. It will be vital for internships you to ensure that you are aware of every aspect of these processes and procedures and that you are able to continually update yourself as and when they changed.

Most often, customer service representatives will work within a team environment. Working within a team can be challenging so it is important that you feel comfortable working in this type of environment.

Team working is an important aspect of customer service in that a team scenario allows you the security of colleagues from whom you can seek advice in unusual situations. Also, customer service teams often work closely in order to ensure that customer contacts are closely monitored so that customers are able to get assistance even when you are off. In order for this to work, you will need to feel comfortable with handover procedures and trusting others to do your job in your absence.

If there is evidence that you have these skills then customer service can be a very rewarding field to enter. You will have the daily satisfaction of knowing that your contribution really makes a difference to your organisation and you will benefit from a certain level of job security. Though nothing is certain in this climate, you can be sure that customer service jobs will always exist no matter where you live.

Larger cities will generally provide you with more options; for example, the quantity of customer service jobs London can offer will be much greater than those that can be found in less metropolitan areas. All across the country new and established businesses are seeking candidates with the skills to assist their companies to grow. The variety of customer service jobs Manchester offers increases every day while the number of customer service jobs Birmingham has available also continues to rise.

Some smaller areas are also opening customer contact centres that specialise in customer services and this type of business is on the increase. Previously industrial areas, particularly those on the outskirts of larger cities, are attracting companies that provide contact services for other organisations. This type of business is exciting for customer service staff who are looking for new challenges as they may be able to move from contract to contract, always keeping their skills sharp.

So, if you feel that this is the path for you, do your research and look into any training courses available in your area. Alternatively, comb through your CV and see if the required skills can be evidenced from your past experience. If so, simply search your area for available positions and give one of the most rewarding and stable careers available a go.

nike tn Michiel Van Kets writes articles about where you can find the best customer service jobs. For customer service jobs Manchester or customer service jobs London, Jobs in Customer Service is the choice. Search for vacancies closest to you, customer service jobs Birmingham or across the UK.

Fannie Mae (FNMA): February Jobs Report: U.S. Economy Adds Better Than

If people are minting money from a social networking site like LinkedIn and you are not, there is a reason for you to sit back and review your strategy. There are a lot many people out there who are making tons of money from LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

There are a number of ways you could use LinkedIn profitably. If you are one of those who like to write your own script and invent your own system, good luck to you. However, there are two proven ways that could cut down your time and money investment in getting started.

The first one is to follow an already successful LinkedIn marketer, copy the exact same process and implement. But how do you do that, no one is going to spill the beans and increase their competition. Yet, you will find people offering mentoring or training on a one on one basis. This will surely be an expensive proposition, but then all businesses require some investment or the other.

The second way is to join or subscribe to an established online training and learning institution and acquire the required skills.

You should be careful in selecting your mentor or the training institution as the web world is full of people waiting to rip your wallet.

Having said, that here are few tips that I followed to start marketing my business on LinkedIn.

You are What Your Profile Is

LinkedIn being a social networking site for professionals is quite different than the Facebook or Twitter. People are quite careful of who they connect with. Practically everyone who wants to connect with you will visit your profile as a first step.

It is therefore extremely important that you craft a very professional profile. Who you are, what you do and how you could add value to fellow professionals. All this must come our very clearly. I would strongly suggest that you go through LinkedIn guide and follow LinkedIn best practices. Professionals respect and internships (relevant web site) like people with a 100% complete and updated profile.

Select and Join Your Interest Groups

The best aspect about LinkedIn is the huge number of professional groups in the system. I think there is hardly and profession, activity or business without a number of groups for each and every segment, niche or sub segment.

With so many groups available it becomes quite a task to select the right one. I simply check the group stats and look for activity within the group. Are people engaging in self promotion – you can see from the number of discussions or are people actively engaging in making comments – interactions.

Why join a group. Well the entire networking and lead generation is through group and its members. Using LinkedIn and not joining groups is like having an inactive bank account.

Start Interaction – Join discussions

Just joining the groups will not take you anywhere. You must go through discussions and chose ones that interest you. Get involved in these discussions. Add value packed comments that will pull potential leads to you.

Not just this, you initiate a couple of discussions on your own. Chose a topic that will be of interest to other members of the group. Your aim should be to become and remain a top influencer in most of your groups by quality of your discussions and comments. LinkedIn displays the top influencers graphic in its side bar. That is how your start building “You” brand, creating a “pull” towards you.

LinkedIn permits you to join a maximum of 50 groups. Join as many as you could handle with ease and proficiency.

Make Connections

LinkedIn is a social networking site and you can network only if you have people connected to you. In the past over one year I have made over 500 connections which links me to over 11 million professionals.

There are two schools of thoughts on LinkedIn connections. Some prefer to be very selective and choosy in their connections, and the others just connect for interactions. As Neal Schaffer says in his blog “-If you are only connecting with people that you know, what is the value in LinkedIn?” Those who connect freely are known to be a LION – LinkedIn Open Net-workers .

What type of net-worker you want to be depends squarely on your networking objectives.

Once you make connection, evaluate them by engaging them in discussions to filter who might be interested in your opportunity. Once you have identified people who show interest, move the discussion offline, get into a phone or Skype interaction. This is where you start working on your lead conversion.

Network marketing is a dynamic process. You keep on improving the process, system and style. You also need to review your groups and connections. Adding, deleting to keep them both relevant and productive.

LinkedIn is an amazing networking platform. The art is in mastering how to use it to further your business interests.

The Advantage Of Working At Home – Call Center Jobs

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — President Trump is set to host Brazil’s president for dinner at his Florida estate where the conversation is expected to include the conflict in Venezuela and a possible trade deal, an administration official said.

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blackhawks Tuesday, 03/03/20 06:19:12 PM

Re: Joecanada13 post# 155960 0

Post # of 156599

The myth of the manufacturing jobs renaissance

By Kate Trafecante, CNN Business


Updated 3:12 PM ET, Sun February 9, 2020

New York (CNN Business) — US manufacturing jobs have disappeared. They won’t be coming back.

The Trump administration wants voters to believe in a US manufacturing renaissance — proof of economic success as America barrels toward election day.

President Trump in his State of the Union address Tuesday once again took credit for “restoring our Nation’s manufacturing,” claiming that the United States “has gained 12,000 new factories under my administration, with thousands upon thousands of plants and factories being planned or built. We have created over half a million new manufacturing jobs.”

Those numbers are largely accurate, and US factory activity expanded in January. But the manufacturing industry is hemorrhaging jobs, losing more than 4 million over the past twenty years. The problem is growth is concentrated in a few outlier industries — pharmaceuticals, computers, semiconductors — that boost output while employing only a fraction of the workers in traditional factories.

Those jobs aren’t coming back

Despite the White House’s promises, nothing will restore a 1960s-style mass employment on the assembly lines. The new manufacturing reality is an industry of specialized high-tech work that requires less manpower, or lower paid, non-union jobs.

The jobs growth Trump cites is coming from emerging US industries — such as American shale — or were sparked by a post-recession shopping-spree for items already produced domestically, like cars.

Other industries are hurting.

“Most companies are in wait and see mode,” says Sree Ramaswamy, linkedin partner at McKinsey & Company, citing a decade old economic expansion and slowing global growth. And with tariff costs and uncertain demand, “most companies are not in a hurry to open a new factory or add a new product line.”

Decades of decline

The manufacturing industry has been in a steady decline for the past two decades. A strong US dollar in the late 1990s made foreign goods cheaper just as costs rose, demand dried up and trade deals opened up global competition. Domestic manufacturing firms cut costs, and that often meant finding cheap labor overseas.

That’s when, according to Susan Houseman, Director of Research at Upjohn Institute, manufacturing jobs fell off a cliff.

“Before the early 2000s, any decline always bounced back,” Houseman said. “This is the first time it kept going down.”

Tarpon Springs sponge fishermanEven with the Trump administration’s tariffs and heated rhetoric, that trend is not course-correcting, says Robert Scott, director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Research at the Economic Policy Institute.

“Frankly, Trump is bad for manufacturing. Since he took office, the deficit in goods is up 15%,” according to Scott. A trade deficit occurs when a country buys more products then it sells.

Scott says that Trump’s trade deals — the USMCA and the “phase one” deal with China — fail to address the structural issues that fix long-term trade imbalances, and therefore, help workers.

“His policies haven’t helped change anything — they keep the status quo.”

Where new jobs are coming from

Most of the half-million new manufacturing jobs over the past three years are in the Sun Belt or around Silicon Valley. Meanwhile job losses in the Rust Belt are accelerating. That could be key to the 2020 race.

Trump won Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin in 2016, promising working-class voters he would revive US manufacturing. But all four states have lost more than 16,000 factory jobs in the past year alone.

And many new production jobs are non-union with lower pay, according to Pew Research. That translates to the loss of good wages for Americans without a college degree, the majority of which voted Trump into office.

In 2019, production workers earned 20% below the national average, a UC Berkeley study found. A third of manufacturing employees rely on food stamps or other federal assistance programs to make ends meet.

“Trump told people that he understood their pain, promising to do something different about it,” Scott says. “He has done something different, but it hasn’t worked.”

Is there any hope?

Despite the doom and gloom, continued erosion of the industry is not a foregone conclusion, says Ramaswamy. There are changes the United States can make, but it means revitalizing what has been neglected for two decades, and understanding that the manufacturing workforce of the future looks different from that of the past.

Companies need to spend on new technology and training programs for workers. The United States should invest in infrastructure, and introduce policies to ensure countries like China don’t devalue their currency.

Are All 9-5 Office Jobs Really 9-5?

When it comes to applying for one of the customer service jobs Birmingham offers or one of the customer service jobs Manchester offers, training is everything. Even if you are applying for one of the many customer service jobs London offers, it is vital that you have either the experience or training to succeed in this competitive field.

In the current climate, a good reputation for customer service is vital to the survival of many businesses. Customers must be at the heart of all businesses if companies wish to remain competitive. Employed to represent the company, ensure customer satisfaction and create loyalty, customer service representatives build the future of any organisation; because of this, being a customer services representative is one of the most flexible jobs you can find.

All companies require people to act as liaisons between themselves and the customers and therefore you can find this type of post almost anywhere.

When it comes to customer service jobs London may have a wider variety of options but the customer service jobs Birmingham offers and the customer service jobs Manchester has available go to prove that it doesn’t matter where you live. Customer service is a growing industry and positions are available across the country to those who have the skill-set required.

Customer service representatives will usually spend their time dealing with customer enquiries. These enquiries can be dealt with in person, over the phone or in writing either by email, fax or letter. As the first point of contact for customers, good communication skills are essential.

Effective and efficient communication is the core skill required in any customer service job and it is important that you are able to communicate well in all situations and mediums. Good listening skills are an integral part of this role as it is vital that customers feel heard when they contact a company.

Organisational skills are also important for anyone looking to enter into the customer service field and this will not change whether you are looking through the customer service jobs Manchester offers or those customer service jobs Birmingham has available.

The ability to quickly access information is vital when it comes to building relationships with your clients and it is these relationships that will help to grow a business. When a client contacts you, it is important that you are able to quickly collate various files and pieces of information in order that you can supply the customer with answers or assistance.

Hand in hand with communication and organisational talents, decision-making skills are also an important requirement for those seeking a career in customer service. Being decisive can often be the difference between quick resolutions that lead to customer satisfaction and poor experiences that lead to complaints.

You must be able to be decisive within the guidelines you are given and feel comfortable with your responsibilities and the authority given to you, taking ownership of issues and working through the best solutions for your customer.

Working within guidelines can often be the most rewarding part of the job. It is satisfying to know that you were able to come up with creative solutions to problems within the guidance set out for you by the organisation.

Most companies have a set of processes and protocols that employees must adhere to in order to satisfy legal, health and safety and idealistic requirements. It will be vital for you to ensure that you are aware of every aspect of these processes and procedures and that you are able to continually update yourself as and when they changed.

Most often, customer service representatives will work within a team environment. Working within a team can be challenging so it is important that you feel comfortable working in this type of environment.

Team working is an important aspect of customer service in that a team scenario allows you the security of colleagues from whom you can seek advice in unusual situations. Also, customer service teams often work closely in order to ensure that customer contacts are closely monitored so that customers are able to get assistance even when you are off. In order for this to work, you will need to feel comfortable with handover procedures and trusting others to do your job in your absence.

If there is evidence that you have these skills then customer service can be a very rewarding field to enter. You will have the daily satisfaction of knowing that your contribution really makes a difference to your organisation and you will benefit from a certain level of job security. Though nothing is certain in this climate, you can be sure that customer service jobs will always exist no matter where you live.

Larger cities will generally provide you with more options; for example, the quantity of customer service jobs London can offer will be much greater than those that can be found in less metropolitan areas. All across the country new and established businesses are seeking candidates with the skills to assist their companies to grow. The variety of customer service jobs Manchester offers increases every day while the number of customer service jobs Birmingham has available also continues to rise.

Some smaller areas are also opening customer contact centres that specialise in customer services and this type of business is on the increase. Previously industrial areas, particularly those on the outskirts of larger cities, are attracting companies that provide contact services for other organisations. This type of business is exciting for customer service staff who are looking for new challenges as they may be able to move from contract to contract, always keeping their skills sharp.

So, if you feel that this is the path for you, do your research and look into any training courses available in your area. Alternatively, comb through your CV and see if the required skills can be evidenced from your past experience. If so, simply search your area for available positions and give one of the most rewarding and stable careers available a go.

nike tn Michiel Van Kets writes articles about where you can find the best customer service jobs. For customer service jobs Manchester or customer service jobs London, Jobs in Customer Service is the choice. Search for vacancies closest to you, customer service jobs Birmingham or across the UK.